*~Ashley~* profile picture


I HAVE A DISEASE and the only cure is MORE COWBELL! Religion is for people that are afraid of going

About Me

My Space or Yours? Myspace Layouts and more at myspaceoryours.net!
I AM ENGAGED TO THE ABOVE STUD! I love my life this year. For the first time in a long time I feel it is what it should be. I am healthy, have my family, graduated school and got engaged. I have only God to thank for all the blessings in my life... Learning more about myself this year than ever. "A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person""Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our greatest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, talented, fabulous?'Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in ALL of us. As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

My Interests

Music, singing, reading, Art. I am eternally in awe of the way Marco writes music..Make yourself useful and write me somethin, I love the winter, sweatpants,socks,coffee,Sunday morning, sleep! I love the summer with friends, sittin around laughing till you cry, new babies! You are never too old to swing, rollerblade, catch lightning bugs, even though your hands smell afterward, I love jammy pants, if it were socially acceptable I'd live in them. Dane Cook, I was obsessed before he was trendy...

I'd like to meet:

My grandfather(I'm told he was an amazing person) Marco as a dad, myself at 30.(Maybe I'll have myself figured out by then,) and Christ.


Master of None,Marco-(Classicaly trained in piano and guitar) Damien Rice, Joy Williams, Bethany Dillon, Joss Stone, Justin Timberlake, (this is embarassing Marco)Rascal Flats,Jars of Clay,Nickel Creek Jeremy Camp,Faith Hill, Amos Lee, Ben Folds, Old Barenakedladies, James Taylor, Gin Blossoms, Foo Fighters, Red Hot Chili Peppers, wallflowers, Chris Tomlin, smashing pumpkins, counting crows, matthew sweet, Carrie Underwood,John Legend, Snoop (yes I know I'm aweful white for this) Sister Hazel,Rufus Wainwright (sp?) Beatles, India Arie,Brad Paisley,Gavin Degraw, Stabbing Westward, Prince(yeah thats right biotch)Keith Urban, Pharel, Tim I'm a sexy bitch McGraw, Chevelle,Fuel,Pillar, Fergie, Death Cab for cutie, the swift,bob marley, the killers, aerosmith, Bon Jovi, 80's , Def leppord,


Breakfast club,Ferris Bueller's Day off, Father of the Bride, My Best Friend's wedding(yes I'm a little wedding oriented)Lord of the Rings, Romeo and Juliet, Dumb and Dumber,Van Wilder,Pirates of the Caribbean, ANYTHING with Johnny Depp, I have sucky movie tastes, anything stupid and easy on the head, I leave my thinkin, fo readin,


Grey's anatomy, Friends reruns, Simpson's just got real good all the sudden


"Mere Christianity" C.S. Lewis, "The Imitation of Christ" Thomas a' kempis. "The Case for Christ" Lee Strobel,(A hundred smackers Jake!) "I am" Steve Fry


My mom, Rieley my niece (she's so brave), My grandmother, for her unyielding faith, Nicole,like lookin into a mirror, a scary one, sucks to be you! Marco- I learn so much from you everyday-from the depth of my love for you, to learning about what it means to embody christianity..I am going to marry my best friend.

My Blog

I was speeding damnit

Making damn good time, got pulled over, tried to cry my way out of a ticket, didn't happen.  So I ended up with smeared mascara, and pissed off, AND an expensive ticket. Just did 2 hours of my 4 ...
Posted by *~Ashley~* on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 09:56:00 PST


           I hate how sometimes it takes going through something bad (or knowing someone going through something bad) to make you realize how precious...
Posted by *~Ashley~* on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 07:07:00 PST