My interests are as follows my friends. God first and foremost, you got a problem with that, take it up with the Almighty! I love music more than life itself, I write rap music and record, I love running almost as much as I love rap, But my main interest in all of life is finding out ONE simple answer. If anyone knows please help me out....Why is the sky Blue?
Anybody...all you gotta do is just, chya boi!
I love rap, but my favorite music ever is R&B. Also, word can describe that music and it!
Italian Movies, Rocky Movies, Chris Farley Movies, Adam Sandler Movies, South Park and Family Guy Shows and Movies...fighting movies. UFC, ToughMan, Pride Fighting. Government Movies. Action or Comedy basically. GRANDMAS BOY!!! P.s.-Rocky Balboa comes out December 22nd...Im the happiest man ALIVE!
Comedy- South Park Reality- UFC!!! I love UFC, I love fighting, blood is my friend..what?
The Bible- I would die without it! Once you open can't put it down!
Basically the greatest man I know...Myself. Obviously I am on crack/cocaine. I dont really have any heroes...oh...except Jesus. Cus he is the man!