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About Me

Greetins once again,. when you see a mon learn the signs watch fi him. so here we are ;and as my people i will give you the same knowledge wid learnin each day!! ini will double your work load. the more you retain the more invisible you get beca wah zion is invisible" no shit" hear wah jus bless me up the way you woulda bless up jah[] lets not panic and beat them to the punch. wat you think all di sufferation dat occur on the pirate dem crawny chi-chi mon ship _dem do us dirty thir still followin up right to the end of creation!!+!!!!!!!!!!!! den me nuh tell you dem lose their sense of time cant mell wid di beast bottom line if all else fail put on the armor of rightousness''. f dat to much mon inna jail david is the king of isreal and wen me say its enougf this music thing will sell its one of my 10000 talents rass clatt arright this thing you call intanet i need a plane to stand on" and you cant ask for a better one", take with you tese proverb the liberal shall be made fat and he that watereth shall be watered himself/// check this out he that trust in riches shall fall bait ,righteos shall florrish as a branch he that troubleth his house shall inherit the wind and a fool shall be servent to the wise of heart @well see whos the real isrelites.,, my life dont mean nuttin to me jah put nuff works for us to do and we dont scratch the surface yet dem gye mad like shod to think dem can run from my judjment* make sure you strech out your works evenly i wont tell you exact im not bringin heat on me jus yet thats why im plantin tese prectious seeds which are my web pages when im gone an lef i want it to grow each 100 of them come on my people brighten up zion is aroud us thats why with our deeply planted faith. david is sorronded by a power bobylon cant never touch/ di ting mek like this you have to help build di ting up because once it build you cant come pon the bandwagon() we gona do our thing and bobylon cant predict it .not even you or i can predict it eiter, lets see what needs to get done all of middle east is under fire% ands its comin from who you guess it britain, usa we are not comin to their aid you got it in you to do the most healin we got the highest learnin so its within us to put a stop to the backstabbin, glutteny you see the wrench dem once they cant live offa fear anymore cant sell the people hypocracy no more .be like the everflowin fountain of truith and obligation, dont do things to redirect your spirit dodge them if them have bad luck dem never do nuttin for you yet. f the people lookin out for themself+ jah forsake their evil so dont you try to fried them up, if you turn your back to the poor and sufferin him will turn his back also ok /all the best to you, my real name is kev im lovin to everybody realy cant remebered last time i work jah love di mon so much girl take care a me i got nuttin to lose so i dont realy watch wat people have..., you cant good to one people so wah true di mon is havin a little ruff time him no people to? move wah wid di red eye buisness for each is own or something like that im gona take off and leave you now life is wat you make it jus keep it lock .

My Interests


Member Since: 01/01/2008
Band Website: tosetup
Band Members: [URL=][IMG] /albums/cc180/commentsville/blinksy/blessings/blessingsWater HandsGiving.gif[/IMG][/URL]
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Record Label: Unsigned

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