There are many things that interest me. I'm a computer geek by birth. I love to work with computers, building computer systems, creating software applications thru visual basic, and using web based tools. I've worked for Symantec for about 5 years while living in Eugene and I loved the work. Now that I'm a State of Oregon employee, some of those types of work still follows me. I provide statistical data to the agency and the Social Security Administration on weekly basis. So, yes as you can see I'm a reborn geek and proud of it.I also enjoy Golf, playing Guitar Hero with my children ( I still play on medium, but I'll get to the Hard level soon), working with computers, visiting friends and family, bar-b-quing, and of course weight lifting. I've weight lifted ever since college and found that it's the best hobby. Golf use to be my best until it started getting expensive, time consuming, and the cost of rising gas prices. So I stuck with weight training. I lift at the Salem YMCA in the evening with my good friend Thomas and his wife and children. Because of my interest in weight lifting, I've had many gym goes ask me to be their personal trainer or help them out. I always tell them that I had the best weight lifting coach in college by the name of Bob Ratcliff. He showed me all the tricks to breaking pleateaus to different ways of using the same exercise to benefit another muscle group. I love weight training as it has also helped me to releive stress.
I'd like to meet as many new faces as I can. I've been in several intimate relationships since my divorce, but I firmly believe everything happens for a reason. Having an abundance of friends both male and female to me is very rewarding because it gives your life character and the relationships builds strength in weak areas of your life. I'm not sure if you all can agree, but the more friends you have, the more healthy your lifestyle becomes. Whenever you need a friend or someone to talk with then their will always be the right person to help you through.
I love listenting to all types of music depending on my mood. Recently I've learned to love the music of Blue October. I like most of friends can relate to their music and how our lives are lived through their music. Does that make sense? Probably not, but when you get a chance, listen to their music. Some of their best songs that I enjoy are "She's my ride Home", "Hate me today", "18th Floor Balcony", "Into the Ocean", and "The Calling".I like listening also to regular pop and R&B, but like I said if I'm in the mood, I'll also listen to country. I enjoy listening to Opera too at times. Some of my favorite artist are Andrea Bocelli and Paul Potts.
There's too many movies to list as which is my favorite. Just like music, depending at which point in my life I'm at, I pick the movie at that time. I like a lot of romantic movies, adventure movies, and movies with a hidden meaning until the end. To me there's nothing that captivates me more then having the apex of the movie towards the very end. Recently I've liked the movie "300". Tomorrow or next week it maybe something new.
Hate Me lyrics - Blue October lyrics Hate Me Video - Blue October Music Videos Music Videos by VideoCureNaturally I'm a reality junkie. Survivor is one of my best shows. I love the challenge each week and the thrill of doing something outrageous on television. Just this past year, I audtioned for Survivor 17 in my hometown Albany. The television screening was suppose to be from 9-4 on a Saturday. I was so excited that I couldn't sleep the night before. I showed up at 8:15am and found there were 50 other contestants waiting too. It's a good thing because I was #51. It turned out that they could only screen 157 people. So needless to say, I was there in plenty of time for a screening. I was so nervous as everyone kept telling me that they could see me as a survivor contestant. Maybe it was because the size of my bulging biceps? LOL. I don't know, but when it was my turn in front of the camera, it seemed like all eyes were on me. I didn't get picked as the final contestants to audition in California, so I guess I'll have to try again next year. I may also want to try for that new Japanese game show too. You should try and audition it would be fun as something you've never thought you'd do before, but did.These past few weeks I've been an Olympic junke. I've watched all different events on different nights. I enjoyed watching Michael Phelps win 5 of the gold medals, the women gymnast last night (gosh she was only 17 I think) and she came home with the gold, and the womens marathon swimming. I really, really loved to watch the mens and womens beach volleyball and the woman softball events also. I'm not that much of a track and field person, but it was still good.Now that the Olympics is just about over, I guess I'll just go back to watching reality TV shows until the fall season arrives.
I'm a bookmarker when it comes to reading books. I don't read books unless it's a product manual or a technical support document· Funny huh? Like I said, I am a computer geek so I only read computer related materials. LOL. I actually hate reading so much that it's like a sleeping pill. I maybe able to stay focused for maybe half a page then I'm dosing off. No kidding! I actually had to take an extra term in college because I flaked off on reading the materials. Not no mo though. Now I only read if I need to.
My hereos are all my friends and those who are about to become my friends. They all have special qualities that they bring into my life. They fill the void in my life that only they can bring. I've had past dating relationships where I was helped in so many ways both emotionally, physcially, and financially. I owe so much to this friend. To this day, as you imagine, we are the best of friends. I live everyday trying to reach out and build a stronger and bigger network of friends for support, encouragement, laughter, and joy. It's those times when you feel you're all alone, that you can call on those friends for a picker upper.Policeman, fireman, lifeguards, emergency or ambulance workers are my ultimate heroes. Their dedication to saving lifes even if their lives are at risk is something only they can do. I wasn't cut out for this type of work, so my hat goes off and I humbly bow my head to these awesome group of people.