Jorge profile picture



About Me

I play guitar, I sing... I would like to think I do both fairly well. I am a romantic but I'm not hopeless. I have an extremely over active imagination, which tends to take over till I'm standing on my neighbors roof yelling "I'LL NEVER LET YOU TAKE THEM ALIVE!"...

My Interests

I'm thinking about getting a gun, and dealing crack. Being a crack dealer. Not like a mean crack dealer, but like... like a nice one. Kinda friendly like, "hey, what's up guys? Want some crack?"

I'd like to meet:

IM me. Alittlemishap


Ten artists I like: Thrice, 311, Yes, Rx Bandits, Muse, Glassjaw, Joey Eppard, Common, The Fall of Troy, Damien Marley


The Spiderman Movies, Everything Is Illuminated


Heroes, Prison Break, 24, Futurama


In my head I live in a world where I'm the hero, I spend most of my time hopping across buildings, and I have really cool ninja moves.