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Santòrsola Guitar Quartet

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Il Quartetto di chitarre “Santórsola” dedica il suo nome al compositore Guido Santórsola, nato in Puglia come i quattro componenti del Quartetto e vissuto prima in Brasile e poi in Uruguay, e autore di importanti pagine scritte per quattro chitarre. Nasce sul finire del 2006, come coronamento di una lunga amicizia tra ex compagni di studi, oggi docenti e concertisti. Nel novembre 2007 il quartetto interpreta al Teatro Sancarlino di Brescia la Sinfonietta “Feste Lontane” di Angelo Gilardino, ancora inedita, e a seguito del consenso ricevuto in tale occasione, nell’aprile 2008 lo stesso Gilardino scrive e dedica “Al Quartetto Santórsola” i “Sonetti Giuliani”, ispirati a sette studi del chitarrista-compositore pugliese Mauro Giuliani. Nello stesso anno il quartetto esegue i “Sonetti” e il brano “Claps” di Davide Ficco in prima mondiale. Come solisti, i componenti del quartetto hanno vinto molti tra i più importanti Concorsi Chitarristici Internazionali: 2° Premio al “Pittaluga” di Alessandria, 2° Premio al Sor di Roma e 1° Premio al TIM vinti da Vincenzo Zecca; 2° Premio a “Gargnano”, 1° al Fago, ad Isernia e a Savona di Antonio Rugolo; decine di Primi Premi in Concorsi Nazionali ed Internazionali vinti da Angelo Gillo e Livio Grasso sia da solisti che in duo. “Iniziati” alla chitarra da Pino Forresu e perfezionatisi con Alirio Diaz, hanno trovato nella scuola chitarristica di Frédéric Zigante un importante motore per il loro studio e per le loro ricerche. Altre figure di rilievo e di riferimento nel panorama chitarristico internazionale che hanno influito sulla loro formazione sono state Oscar Ghiglia per Antonio, Olivier Chassain per Angelo, Paolo Pegoraro e Stefano Viola per Livio e soprattutto Ruggero Chiesa, che ha segnato profondamente il percorso di Vincenzo, senza citare altri nomi illustri quali David Russell, Manuel Barrueco, Eduardo Fernández e Betho Davezac. Antonio Rugolo ha al suo attivo due dischi da solista pubblicati dalla “Stradivarius”, accolti con unanime favore dalla critica internazionale e regolarmente trasmessi dalle reti RAI Radio 3, Filodiffusione, Radio Svizzera P2, CBC Canadese. Nel 2009 l’etichetta milanese “Suonare Records” pubblica il loro disco d’esordio, contenente tutte Prime Esecuzioni Assolute con musiche di Angelo Gilardino ed Ernesto Lecuona. I componenti del quartetto suonano quattro chitarre che il liutaio milanese Roberto De Miranda ha appositamente costruito per loro, tra cui una chitarra ad otto corde ed una chitarra quintina.--------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------[ENG] The Santorsola Guitar Quartet was named after composer Guido Santorsola, who was born in the south-east of the italian peninsula (just like the members of the Quartet) but lived in Brazil and Uruguay where he wrote important scores for guitar quartets. The Quartet was born in 2006 as the result of a long friendship among four music students who have now become well established musicians and teachers. Following unusual paths and choosing unusual repertoires, the Quartet held a show in 2007 at the Teatro Sancarlino in Brescia, where it also played Feste Lontane, a sinfonietta by Angelo Giardino which had never before been performed in public. The concert encountered such great success that in 2008 Angelo Gilardino wrote the Sonetti Giuliani with a special dedication to the Santorsola Guitar Quartet. As the name suggests, these sonnets were inspired by the music of Mauro Giuliani, the famous guitarist and composer who was born in Puglia in the ‘800. Each as a soloist, the members of the Quartet have won many of the most important international guitar festivals: 2nd prize at the Pittaluga festival in Rome, 2nd prize at the Sor festival in Rome and 1st prize at the TIM festival were won by Vincenzo Zecca; 2nd prize at the Gargnano festival, 1st prize at the Fago festival, in Isernia and in Savona were won by Antonio Rugolo; tens of first prizes in national and international competions were won by Angelo Gillo and Livio Grasso, both as soloists and in duo. Guitar teachers in Italian public schools, the members of this Quartet found great support for their studies and research in the Frederic Zigante’s classes. Other significantly influtential figures for their training have been Alirio Diaz (for all of them), Pino Forresu, who initiated them into the world of guitar (except from Angelo, who met the six-stringed instrument through Vincenzo Zecca), Oscar Ghiglia (in the case of Antonio), Olivier Chassain (in the case of Angelo), Paolo Pegoraro and Stefano Viola (in the case of Livio) and even more Ruggero Chiesa, who deeply influenced Vincenzo’s musical path. But just as important have been many eminent musicians such as David Russell, Manuel Barrueco and Betho Davezac. Antonio Rugolo has already published with the Stradivarius label two solo recordings which were both welcomed with critical favour both in Italy and abroad and which are regularly broadcast on radios in Italy (RAI Radio 3), Switzerland (P2) and Canada (CBC). In 2009 the Santorsola Guitar Quartet made its discographical debut and the pieces presented in this cd, published by Italian guitar review “Seicorde”, are recorded for the first time ever (music composed by Angelo Gilardino and Ernesto Lecuona). It should finally be mentioned that these four musicians all play guitars which were especially built for them by Milan-based lutist Roberto De Miranda and which include an eight-stringed and a five-sixths guitar.
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Member Since: 01/01/2008
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Record Label: Unsigned

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