Orbi [bbycakez] profile picture

Orbi [bbycakez]

About Me

MySpace Stuff
So i thought it was about time for me to change this, Again
I'm Emma
I'm officially 18 :]
It's been pretty rad so far
Straight Edge
I'm single. Kinda hate it right now
I'm in a hardcore band with a bunch of dudes, their rad
I Play bass, I shred pretty hard
www.myspace.com/vanityhc - Go check us out
As cliche' as it is to say it, Music is everything.
I Really Like tattoos, and people with tattoos
cant wait to have my own
I love horror movies. Gore and Guts
I like all different kinds of music: Hardcore, Metal, Rockabilly and punk
I'm pretty shy when i first meet people but if you're nice i will be nice back
I get on way better with boys but i'll pretty much talk to whoever
And i'm getting bored with writing this already
I dont do things 'cause their cool just to make myself look cool. I try to be myself, yes i know everyone says that
I love videogames and horror movie nights
Starbucks Hot chocolate, English dudes, Scousers, Southern Californians and boys in bands
You'll almost always find me in jeans, a band shirt and sneakers. That's how im comfortable
Not much of a partying person, id rather go see some gigs
I have a Very Wierd sense of humour and love making people laugh
I would stay up all night, every night if i could
I'm on msn a lot - ask for my msn. i'll give it to you if your nice :)
A lot of things annoy me, i complain a lot, and swear too much for a girl. Oops!
And i seriously am getting so sick of writing this right now
I really want my licence - and a black dodge charger, if you're asking ^_^
So Here's the deal
No Fakes
No sluts
No Bitches
No under 16's
If you wear shirts of bands you dont even like or know, dont add me please
If you ask me for comments, that's a straight out NO
Same deal if you ask me for pic comments, messages, whore 4 whore. The only thing you'll get from me is a 'fuck off'
If you only add people to get you're numbers up, thats another dont fucking bother
I'm only here to keep in contact with the people i want to keep in contact with so if we went to school together and never even talked dont even
'Nuff said, GTFO my page
For my Enemies I have nothing to give but hate
For those who doubted me, You're my enemies just the same
I had you're grandmother deported because you parked in my driveway

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

and i know no one reads this shit...but just in case
I'd like to meet a boy that's not a cunt like most,that likes the same music as me and will go with me to gigs. Take me to get tattooed & hold my hand
Someone that can make me laugh and play videogames with. Someone that i can watch 5 million horror movies with in one night. Cuddle me. Let me steal their band shirts and not complain
and Someone who's gonna like me for who i am and not try to make me change into what they want. is that Really Too much to ask for??

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