About Me
Fabio Zontini nasce a Milano il 3 settembre 1971.
Nel 1992 si iscrive alla Civica Scuola di Liuteria di Milano, dove consegue il diploma di Maestro Liutaio Restauratore.
Da più di dieci anni si dedica alla costruzione di chitarre classiche ispirandosi alla liuteria storica del periodo tra otto e novecento: Antonio De Torres, Francisco Simplicio, Robert Bouchet, Hermann Hauser I e Pietro Gallinotti.
Si dedica inoltre alla riproduzione di copie di chitarre romantiche (Antonio Rovetta, Louis Panormo, Joseph Marconcini, Carlo Godone e altri) promuovendo l’interesse dei musicisti verso questi strumenti.
Ha costruito chitarre per Conservatori, Scuole di Musica e per vari musicisti professionisti.
Ha partecipato a numerose mostre nazionali ed internazionali e ha tenuto conferenze e lezioni nell’ambito di festival chitarristici in Italia e all’Estero.
Tra gli ultimi lavori, una realizzazione della copia della chitarra Papier Maché del 1862 di Antonio De Torres, interessante strumento sperimentale costruito con fasce e fondo in cartone.
E’ socio ALI (Liutai Professionisti Italiani).
Vive e lavora dal 1997, nell’entroterra ligure, in provincia di Savona.
Fabio Zontini was born in Milan on September 3rd, 1971.
In 1992 he enrolled in the Civica Scuola di Liuteria of Milan, where in 1996 he got the diploma of Master Luthier and Restorer.
For over ten years he has been making classical guitars, inspired by historical luthiers from the XIX and XX centuries such as Antonio de Torres, Francisco Simplicio, Robert Bouchet, Hermann Hauser and Pietro Gallinotti, whose original instruments he carefully studied in order to achieve a better understanding of their methods.
His activities also include copying Romantic guitars (Antonio Rovetta, Louis Panormo, Joseph Marconcini and Carlo Godone among others) and promoting the interest of musicians for these instruments, which he regards as the best for dealing with XIX century repertoire.
Both in guitar making and restoring, he takes special care in philological accuracy, by applying himself to researching and collecting information.
He has built instruments for Conservatories, Music Schools and several professional guitar players.
He has taken part in many national and international exhibits and given lectures and lessons in Italian and foreign guitar festivals.
In recent times, he realized a widely appreciated copy of Antonio de Torres' "Papier Maché" guitar (1862), an interesting experimental instrument with cardboard back and sides.
He is a member of ALI, the association of Italian Professional Luthiers.
In 1997 he moved to the Ligurian hinterland, near Savona, where he currently lives and works.
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Davide Ficco plays FABIO ZONTINI's copy (2005) of Antonio De Torres's "PAPIER MACHE'" (cardboard) guitar at the International Fair of Luthiers Instruments - CREMONA MONDOMUSICA 2007.