WhAtS uPpO!"More than just a moment in history. More than just an experience that I seek. Yours is a friendship that lasts forever. Every day I hear you speak. Mysteries revealed each day. Hidden treasures found in faith. You are the fire sent down from heaven. Until I see you face to face. I will run to you, and your words of truth. HOLY SPIRIT COME! COME AND FILL ME WITH YOUR LOVE. MOVE INSIDE OF ME. FILL THE AIR I BREATHE. HOLY SPIRIT COME! FALL ON ME! Conversations run so deep. Spoken promises from the King. I never want to leave your presence. You are all that I need. Saturate every move I make so I'm filled with what I crave. Open my eyes to the pathways ahead every step that I take. I will run to you, and your words of truth. HOLY SPIRIT COME COME AND FILL ME WITH YOUR LOVE! MOVE INSIDE OF ME. FILL THE AIR I BREATHE. HOLY SPIRIT COME! Walk With Me.Tell Me Secrets Of His Majesty! Pour Out On Me Visions And Dreams. I Want More Than Just A Little Bit Of Everything. I Want All You're Saying So I'm Praying. HOLY SPIRIT COME COME AND FILL ME WITH YOUR LOVE. MOVE INSIDE OF ME. FILL THE AIR I BREATHE. HOLY SPIRIT COME! FALL ON ME!" (This is new Fav Song)
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