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About Me

WhAtS uPpO!"More than just a moment in history. More than just an experience that I seek. Yours is a friendship that lasts forever. Every day I hear you speak. Mysteries revealed each day. Hidden treasures found in faith. You are the fire sent down from heaven. Until I see you face to face. I will run to you, and your words of truth. HOLY SPIRIT COME! COME AND FILL ME WITH YOUR LOVE. MOVE INSIDE OF ME. FILL THE AIR I BREATHE. HOLY SPIRIT COME! FALL ON ME! Conversations run so deep. Spoken promises from the King. I never want to leave your presence. You are all that I need. Saturate every move I make so I'm filled with what I crave. Open my eyes to the pathways ahead every step that I take. I will run to you, and your words of truth. HOLY SPIRIT COME COME AND FILL ME WITH YOUR LOVE! MOVE INSIDE OF ME. FILL THE AIR I BREATHE. HOLY SPIRIT COME! Walk With Me.Tell Me Secrets Of His Majesty! Pour Out On Me Visions And Dreams. I Want More Than Just A Little Bit Of Everything. I Want All You're Saying So I'm Praying. HOLY SPIRIT COME COME AND FILL ME WITH YOUR LOVE. MOVE INSIDE OF ME. FILL THE AIR I BREATHE. HOLY SPIRIT COME! FALL ON ME!" (This is new Fav Song)

Layout by CoolChaser

My Blog

Un jueves en la tarde

La vida es un laberinto...hay muchos caminos, muchos pasadisos secretosmuchos obstaculos y tropiezosy solo una salidael llorar es como lluviaque inunda el existirel sentir es la gota que hace que el v...
Posted by on Thu, 03 Sep 2009 15:09:00 GMT

Salmi 23

Salmi 23 1«Salmo di Davide» L'Eterno è il mio pastore, nulla mi mancherà.  2Egli mi fa giacere in pascoli di tenera erba, mi guida lungo acque riposanti.  3Egli mi ristora l'Anima, mi conduce per sent...
Posted by on Sat, 09 May 2009 01:51:00 GMT

Today I saw my dream! by Daniel Meza

Today I saw my dream And it was awesome It was perfect More than good More than well More than I could ever imagine There it was Silently awaiting my arrival     Today I spoke with my...
Posted by on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 00:20:00 GMT

My One and Only - by Daniel Meza

I feel so out there, without a tear left to cry Im overwhelmed with my feelings for you my love still I try I wish I could hold you in my arms forever, really tight And spend nights just knowing that ...
Posted by on Tue, 22 May 2007 01:11:00 GMT

A mi futuro amor.

Te quisiera dar un beso, y ni siquiera te conozconunca te he visto, no se quien eres, ni donde estaspero mi mayor deseo es el de un día encontrartey al nuestra mirada interlazar saber que somos una mi...
Posted by on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 23:11:00 GMT