Drawing and like just about any type of art even the sucky kind
.. width="425" height="350" .. ...80s breakdancing midgets
mY fAvoRits SteviE wONdEr But I liKE ThE RnB, HippIn And The HOppIn, OldiEs, 80's movie tracks, MotoWn, Rock, Classic Rock, ClassiCal. Just aboUT eveRy ThinG JohN tEsh, KennY lOGGinS, bruce willis tHeres Another GOOd OnE... .. width="425" height="350" ..
JusT aBouT any DisnEy mOVie, Chumscrubber, City of God, SiXth SenSe, ThE sHinnIng, OffiCe sPace, the Pay Back, i Dont no Theres More But IM to Lazy To ReaLLy try an tHinK.
I liKe whAt eveR shOWs Mi SuppEr moDeL bRotheR wAs oN likE StrEEt sMArTs , ChaRmeD, TaiL daTers, And WinnEr OF The SISQUE SHAKE DOWN, umm I LL sAy frIendS, and sex and the city caUSe The lAdiEs aLL lOVe THAt shIT so, Also ConAn, FamILy Guy ToTAlly KILLed ThE siMpsoNS foR mE SHiT wAs tIght buT, I doNt No FaMIlY gUY. pLus what Eva suppa hot Eileen boyaln waS on liKE General Hospital, the Berny Mack shoW, sleepover or the show on life times shes bout to be on WooT WOOOOT. than kenny the shark because there is a shark named kenny that no one seams to mind that hes is a shark on land and hes just chillen with their children but he teaches good morals. i remember this episode..... width="425" height="350" ..
bOOks WiTh pICtuEs lIke coMics Or preScHool bOOks, anD tHE onEs You ReaD in ElemEntry LIke jAMes And The GianT peach, thE narniA saGGA LIke LIon WitCh anD the WardRobe and jAmaNgii. I ReAd The sTranGer, HeaRt oF daRknEss bUT .. TheY doNt aDD up = i Think I miGht HAve A.D.D. OK I also like DAn bRown, michaeL CrinchtoN, aND cHucK pAlaHniuk are awsome writers but i might enjoy frank miller more better.
AriStATal, The GReAt LeoNarDo DiviNChI, IsiC newTon, OuR FouR fouNdinG fAthErs PreSideNt wAshiNGtoN, LinCon, JeFFerSon, FrANkLoN + PrEsiDenT HanDCoCk AnD The Ravishing Rick Rude .