LiKeS aRt, PhoTogrAphy, dRawIng, CompUTers, MusIC, bEaTs, undErgrounD hip hOp, BeaChes, BodY boaRding, wORking At sTarbucks, Kickin iT wiT my GrLS ... boYs.... swEet KissEs... a GooD bOTtLe oF CRown RoyAL, smiLin, haVin fUn, giggLing, anD liVinG liFe wit ouT loOkin baCk....
DiLinJa, Dj DaRa, eYdea, MariLyn MonRoe. JFK, eInsTEin, The DaLi LamA JurAssiC 5, AtmOspHere, The RooTs,mY anCestOrs of A thouSand yeaRs ago,The DeviL hiMSelf(hERseLf), Buddha, anD if it werE poSsibLe bOb mArley in PErsOn
dNb. BreAk BEatS, DanCe haLL, houSe, tRancE, hiP hop, reggae, n jaZz
SpEEd 2. The Ring, AlicE in WondERLand. Requem For a dReam, saVe the LAst dANce, 50 first DAtes, all Austin Powers n sequels, Blow,TriPle Xxx,CrAsh, eVer after.... InterviEw wit the Vampire, nIptuCk, The SImpSon, prinCes minoke, inuYasha, cOwboy BeeBoy, FutuRama,Sat.NiTE livE, FamiLy guy, daVe chapel n various other THingS thaT come ArounD
daMn...lOOk Up i AddEd it 2 the MovieS pARt....
yeS.. thE DAvinCi coDe is Good n So is anGels n Demons, GoD of SmaLL thiNGs, amErican Gods, erRr MagazINe biZZare is the shit!!! , hArry Potter :-D