Quotes "You're only young once, so be bad, break the rules, get caught… & make it count."
"Let's just drink to get drunk,
and tell each other everything.
for a drunkin mind ;
speaks a sober heart."
"You know you're in love when you see that someone & your heart flutters, your stomach gets butterflies, & the rest of the world disappears."
"My best friends are like a fairytale.
They've been there since once upon a
time & will be there until forever after."
"It's completely impossible to find a guy
who won't ever hurt you, so go for the guy who will make the pain worthwhile."
"stand up for what you believe in - even if your standing alone.
"Take your damn fairy tale endings
and your hopes, dreams, & wishes
and shove them up your ass.
This is the real world,
&& that shit just doesn't cut it anymore."
"Isn`t if funny how day-by-day
nothing changes, but then when
you look back, everything is different."
I LiKe CaRs & GoInG FaSt In ThEm, BiG TrUcKs, StReEt BiKeS AlSo KnOwN As CrOtCh RoCkEtS, MuSiC, TaKiNg PiCtUrEs, HaNgInG OuT WiTh My FrIeNdS, MaKiNg NeW FrIeNdS, WaTcHiNg LoCaL BaNdS PlAy, GoInG To CoNcErTs, PlAyInG PoOl, PlAyInG SoFtBaLl & OtHeR SpOrTs, AnD MuCh MoRe...WhEn I'm NoT DoInG AnY Of ThAt, I AlSo DoN't MiNd JuSt StAyInG HoMe, BeInG A HeRmIt, AnD SpEnDiNg TiMe WiTh My FaMiLy...If AnYbOdY WaNtS To KnOw MoRe, ThEn JuSt AsK...
I'm Up For Meeting New People CHScutie089
I'm InTo A LoT Of DiFfErEnT TyPeS Of MuSiC...MoStLy RoCk...I LoVe CaJuN MusIc AlSo So JuSt AsK iF YoU HaVe AnY QuEsTiOnS...
Get shoutbox here!
FaMiLy GuY, ThAt 70's ShOw, UnSoLvEd MyStErIeS, RiPlEYS BeLiEvE It Or NoT, ThE OuTeR LiMiTs, In SeArCh Of, HiStOrY's MyStErIeS, CoPs, SoUtH PaRk, ThE DiScOvErY ChAnNeL, DiScOvErY HeAlTh ChAnNeL, ThE TV GuIdE ChAnNeL...ThAtS RiGhT BiOtCh!!!
I HaTe To Read, BuT I KiNd Of HaVe No ChOiCe BeCaUsE My HoMeWoRk FoR ScHoOl ReQuIrEs A LoT Of ReAdInG LoL...LuCkY Me HuH??
Don't waste your time caring about the people who don't like you; Chances are you don't like them either. Don't waste your time worrying if people are talking about you; You've affected their lives, they didn't affect yours. Waste your time with friends. Live for the moment, laugh often, be immature, do anything and everything. If it's something you'll regret in the morning, sleep late and when you wake up, laugh about it with your friends. 'Cause your friends are what matter the most. When you have your friends...You have everything...
My Best
Derek...I know we don't really hang out as often as we used to b/c you work and stuff, but your still my big bro no matter what anybody says and I LOVE YOU TO DEATH!!
Justin....You have your girl and you have your job and I understand that. Its cool...But your still the best friend anybody could ever ask for. I LUV YAH HONKIE!!
Last but definately not least, Thomas who was there for me during all of the niccotine cravings I went through in my quest to quit smoking.....I FINALLY QUIT, and he's the reason. Thanks for hanging in there baby. I ♥ you.