<SHE D0ES, SHE DiD, &amp;&amp; SHE&#39; LL D0 iT A profile picture

&lt;SHE D0ES, SHE DiD, && SHE' LL D0 iT A

(♥) Love: Is giving somebody the ability to destroy you, but trusting them not to.

About Me

About Me
...My Name is Lacie.
...My Friends Call Me Lou.
...I'm 18 Years Old. ...I'm Dating a Guy Named Thomas Broussard and He's Truely Amazing...I ♥ Him BIG BIG!!!
...Street Bikes...Okay just I can't wait to get one of my own and I promise I'll try not to kill myself!!!
...I Like Big Trucks...
...I Love Fast Cars...
...The Smell of Burnt Rubber Gives me a Rush!!!
...I'm a Pretty Outgoing Person...
...I Like being Crazy...ALOT.
...I Bite My Nails. Can't Deal with it, Don't Talk to Me.
...I love my Vans. Prolly more than I love you, but definately not more than I love Thomas...
...I Have the Best Friends Anybody Could Ever Ask For.
...I Don't Regret Anything I've Done in the Past.
...The Only Thing That I Want Out of Life is Happiness.
...I wish I wasn't but I'm a VERY jealous person, its only because I care though.
...It's far too easy to be the same so be original and I will love and admire you for it.
...I'm extremely picky/fussy. The reason being, I'm a perfectionist, always have been and always will be. Learn to get used to it.
...Revenge is sweet. And I mean it when I say it. Does this make me a bad person?? In honest truth I don't care. This is who I am, if you don't like it then tough, no one is telling you to...and you know where to shove it.
...I Hate making plans b/c I'm too damn impatient to stick to them, So unless you wanna get stood up, I suggest you don't make plans with me....I'll do the planning...Thankyou!!...
...I'm ashamed at the number of times I use the word "I" in each sentence.
. . .Those Damn Provate Profiles. Look people if your gonna add me make sure your profile isn't private first, otherwise I'm denying you FUCK TARD!!!
. . .Being Cheated on.
. . .Being lied to. It kind of hurts my feelings.
. . .Explaining myself.
. . .Feeling Stupid lol.
. . .Guys who do drugs...I don't do drugs and I would like to be with somebody who doesn't do them also!!!
. . .I don't smoke and I can no longer stand the smell of smoke, so don't come around me with a cigarette.
. . .Wiggers...if you look in the mirror, you will be suprised
to find that you are white.Yes that's right, I said WHITE.....Try acting like it.
. . .Fake people, posers, skanks, sluts, & tramps.
Be very careful if you make a woman cry, because God counts her tears. The woman came out of a mans rib. Not from his feet to be walked on. Not from his head to be superior. But from the side to be equal, under the arm to be protected, and next to the heart to be loved!
"A wise girl kisses but doesn't love, listens but doesn't believe, and leaves before she is left."- Marilyn Monroe

My Interests

Quotes "You're only young once, so be bad, break the rules, get caught… & make it count."
"Let's just drink to get drunk, and tell each other everything. for a drunkin mind ; speaks a sober heart."
"You know you're in love when you see that someone & your heart flutters, your stomach gets butterflies, & the rest of the world disappears."
"My best friends are like a fairytale. They've been there since once upon a time & will be there until forever after."
"It's completely impossible to find a guy who won't ever hurt you, so go for the guy who will make the pain worthwhile."
"stand up for what you believe in - even if your standing alone.
"Take your damn fairy tale endings and your hopes, dreams, & wishes and shove them up your ass. This is the real world, && that shit just doesn't cut it anymore."

"Isn`t if funny how day-by-day nothing changes, but then when you look back, everything is different."

I LiKe CaRs & GoInG FaSt In ThEm, BiG TrUcKs, StReEt BiKeS AlSo KnOwN As CrOtCh RoCkEtS, MuSiC, TaKiNg PiCtUrEs, HaNgInG OuT WiTh My FrIeNdS, MaKiNg NeW FrIeNdS, WaTcHiNg LoCaL BaNdS PlAy, GoInG To CoNcErTs, PlAyInG PoOl, PlAyInG SoFtBaLl & OtHeR SpOrTs, AnD MuCh MoRe...WhEn I'm NoT DoInG AnY Of ThAt, I AlSo DoN't MiNd JuSt StAyInG HoMe, BeInG A HeRmIt, AnD SpEnDiNg TiMe WiTh My FaMiLy...If AnYbOdY WaNtS To KnOw MoRe, ThEn JuSt AsK...

I'd like to meet:

I'm Up For Meeting New People CHScutie089


I'm InTo A LoT Of DiFfErEnT TyPeS Of MuSiC...MoStLy RoCk...I LoVe CaJuN MusIc AlSo So JuSt AsK iF YoU HaVe AnY QuEsTiOnS...


Get shoutbox here!


FaMiLy GuY, ThAt 70's ShOw, UnSoLvEd MyStErIeS, RiPlEYS BeLiEvE It Or NoT, ThE OuTeR LiMiTs, In SeArCh Of, HiStOrY's MyStErIeS, CoPs, SoUtH PaRk, ThE DiScOvErY ChAnNeL, DiScOvErY HeAlTh ChAnNeL, ThE TV GuIdE ChAnNeL...ThAtS RiGhT BiOtCh!!!


I HaTe To Read, BuT I KiNd Of HaVe No ChOiCe BeCaUsE My HoMeWoRk FoR ScHoOl ReQuIrEs A LoT Of ReAdInG LoL...LuCkY Me HuH??


Don't waste your time caring about the people who don't like you; Chances are you don't like them either. Don't waste your time worrying if people are talking about you; You've affected their lives, they didn't affect yours. Waste your time with friends. Live for the moment, laugh often, be immature, do anything and everything. If it's something you'll regret in the morning, sleep late and when you wake up, laugh about it with your friends. 'Cause your friends are what matter the most. When you have your friends...You have everything...
My Best Friends
Derek...I know we don't really hang out as often as we used to b/c you work and stuff, but your still my big bro no matter what anybody says and I LOVE YOU TO DEATH!!
Justin....You have your girl and you have your job and I understand that. Its cool...But your still the best friend anybody could ever ask for. I LUV YAH HONKIE!!
Last but definately not least, Thomas who was there for me during all of the niccotine cravings I went through in my quest to quit smoking.....I FINALLY QUIT, and he's the reason. Thanks for hanging in there baby. I ♥ you.

My Blog


30 THINGS GUYS SHOULD KNOW ABOUT GIRLS1. Whatever you do, don't just show up at their house...they run around in their underwear just like we do.2. DON'T CHEAT ON THEM. It may seem foolproof, but girl...
Posted by [[SHE D0ES, SHE DiD, && SHE' LL D0 iT AGAiN]] on Thu, 11 May 2006 04:29:00 PST

What Would You Do?

WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF:1. I died:2. I kissed you:3. I lived next door to you:4. I started smoking:5. I stole something:6. I was hospitalized:7. I ran away from home:8. I got into a fight and you weren't...
Posted by [[SHE D0ES, SHE DiD, && SHE' LL D0 iT AGAiN]] on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 10:02:00 PST

My Very First Poem That I Ever Wrote

This is the very first poem that I ever wrote...I wrote it after my ex broke up with me and these are the thoughts and feelings that I felt. Writing a poem brought out all of the feelings that were be...
Posted by [[SHE D0ES, SHE DiD, && SHE' LL D0 iT AGAiN]] on Sat, 05 Nov 2005 10:12:00 PST