Kathy profile picture


It's all good...

About Me

So, I'm an English teacher and have always wanted to be. I'm not a girly girl although I may appear that way at times. I enjoy being outdoors. I have sheep and horses and do the whole sheepherding thing (you know like in the move "Babe"). My border collies are like my children.
I am a Christian and I am active in my church where I sing (or at least try to), work with the youth, and operate the projection equipment. I love so many of the people there. My friends are great and an essential part of my life. My family is my lifeline and life would be impossible without them. My nephews are the best boys in the world! Some random stuff...I love watching thunderstorms in the dark. I have a really dry sense of humor and have a tendency to be a bit sarcastic (ok so I'm very sarcastic). If I pick on you, that's a good thing. I try not to take life too seriously. I've been accused of being stubborn and strong-willed. Sometimes I don't think things through completely. Other times I over-think things.
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My Interests

sheepherding, horses, border collies, sheep, music, gadgets, computers, books, movies, family, friends, food, gardening, the youth, web design, cooking, Zaxby's buffalo fingers

I'd like to meet:

very funny people, very interesting people, old friends, new friends


a little of everything (except rap), contemporary christian, rock, and 90's rock, Dave Matthews, Dixie Chicks, Passion Worship Band, David Crowder Band, Smashing Pumpkins, Shine Down, Muse...see I told you it was a little of everything!


Ocean's Eleven, Wizard of Oz, Sweet Home Alabama, Backdraft, Sixth Sense, any scary movies (they are funny to me)


Heroes, Friends, ER, What Not to Wear, Days of Our Lives, Cosby Show, TLC and the Discovery Channel.


I'm a teacher, of course I like them...This Present Darkness, DaVinci Code (before the uproar), The Notebook, The Giver, The Five People You Meet in Heaven


Robbie is my hero! And those with superpowers.

My Blog


TAG!!! So the rules are as follows: Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with 6 weird facts/things/habits about yourself. After the last fact, choose the 6 people to be tagged and list th...
Posted by Kathy on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 09:57:00 PST