sheepherding, horses, border collies, sheep, music, gadgets, computers, books, movies, family, friends, food, gardening, the youth, web design, cooking, Zaxby's buffalo fingers
very funny people, very interesting people, old friends, new friends
a little of everything (except rap), contemporary christian, rock, and 90's rock, Dave Matthews, Dixie Chicks, Passion Worship Band, David Crowder Band, Smashing Pumpkins, Shine Down, Muse...see I told you it was a little of everything!
Ocean's Eleven, Wizard of Oz, Sweet Home Alabama, Backdraft, Sixth Sense, any scary movies (they are funny to me)
Heroes, Friends, ER, What Not to Wear, Days of Our Lives, Cosby Show, TLC and the Discovery Channel.
I'm a teacher, of course I like them...This Present Darkness, DaVinci Code (before the uproar), The Notebook, The Giver, The Five People You Meet in Heaven
Robbie is my hero! And those with superpowers.