Chillin, bein crazy, ya know, just bein me!
Judge me & i'll prove you wrong
Tell me what to do & i'll tell you off
Tell me I can't do it & watch where i end up
Call me a BITCH & i'll show you one
Call me CRAZY... but you really have no idea
i already met him
hip hop
yall know. tha usual.
Anything good
Music Videos
whatever im in the mood for, i dont watch that much TV
anything that sparks my intrest really.
God †
My mom
The people who have always been there for me, thick & thin, they inspire me to keep ma head up no matter how fucked up life may get!
My struggles are my hero too because with each stuggle i face them head on harder and stronger. i thank god everyday for each struggle each downfall in my life because it made me who i am today...A Strong Woman!