Love sucks! Even to think about being in love sucks. The whole premise behind love sucks. And I'm not talk about suck in a good way, No I'm talking about the suck that is so powerful that it creates a black hole and all life gets sucked within that fucking hole. We as people who depend on someone else's support, understanding, friendship and faithfulness. We depend on their sorry ass so much and when we need them to step in and be that support they let us down every fucking time. Love is a fight not necessarily a physical confrontation but a fight in the sense of exhorting energy and precious time and realizing that person that your with is not perfect will never be perfect far from perfect, fighting and never getting up. I hate love but its fun on occasions. I don't necessarily hate love I just hate the people that think love doesn't take work and communication, they just think it will all work itself out and that if we're truly meant to be together will be together, what a Crock of shit. Love is hard work and when it comes down to it we just don't want to invest the time and energy.