Everything is going fine and then suddenly I am unsatisfied. It is a stirring for something fresh…something enhanced. It is a desire for something I once had; for something I will have again. The sensation sweeps over my body and soul. I covet the touch of sun, the touch passionate love. My entire being craves an ardent adventure. A venture that wraps everything I have ever felt into one moment, one breathtaking moment, and yet melts away everything less the wonderful. I want the kind of love that leaves chaos missing. Love like a long walk shared between lovers on a warm stagnant summer night that you plead never ends. As you wonder wrapped in arms of love a sweet sadness melts into bliss. It is the kind of night that causes you to taste the romance. Sometimes even the earth breathes desire for that kind of instance. Even it was created to speak of a love wrenched moment that takes your breath away.