mike profile picture


don't you know im loco.

About Me

i believe in human ability. we posess the abilty to do everything we need to do in life, with or without divine intervention.

My Interests

Cycling. Software. Snowboarding. Music. RedCross +.

I'd like to meet:

larry. sergey. jedis.


Basement Jaxx. Shoutcast. Interpol. Postal Service.


Sneakers. Midnight Cowboy. Annie. Starwars. StarTrek. Superman (old). Napolean Dynomite. Snatch. Lock Stock.


(Just) Heroes.


Watership Down. Enders Game.


Larry & Sergey.

My Blog

Norway - Home of the $10 Beer

Norway: Well as if the price of beer is not bad enough, (that's right most places you'll pay$10 for a pint) the food is really expensive as well. I mean where else are you going to pay $30 for a regul...
Posted by mike on Wed, 05 Jul 2006 03:13:00 PST

working for the man...again

2005 was a year of not working for the "man". 2005 was a good year in that respect. I was able to do so much other than work, for example: Drive across the USA for 9 days, Volunteer in Louisiana after...
Posted by mike on Wed, 10 May 2006 05:33:00 PST

Beer Bong Building

As a house warming gift to a couple of friends that just bought a new pier home I decided to give a home made 25' beer bong with on/off valvue. Here is how i made the bong.Materials: 1. 25' of 1" Diam...
Posted by mike on Sun, 07 May 2006 10:39:00 PST


I arrived in Mexico today for a week of training with the new company. Travel was good, hotel is nice too.Watching music Mexican videos I am now a fan of Bebe. Check her out at http://www.esmas.com/ri...
Posted by mike on Sun, 23 Apr 2006 03:18:00 PST