Tina Tiffany profile picture

Tina Tiffany

I am here for Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

I am a very laid back girl who loves to have fun. I enjoy life and I love all animals including deer.:)I would love to own a horse one day. I can do anything you about ask outdoors. Most important in my life is Jesus, my best friend, and I am a friend of His. I love to see God's love move on people who don't know him and have a encounter with him. It's awesome. I want him to use my life to the fullest capacity that he can. He is an awesome God and is worthy to be praised and honored. Life is to short to just be jogging the Christian race. We are called to be soldiers. I just want to hear the heartbeat of my Father and hear him tell me which way to go each day. The Christian life is definitely not boring its a loving adventure.
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My Interests

I enjoy almost everything outdoors. Soccer, tennis, jogging, painting, journaling and I enjoy long walks at night.

I'd like to meet:

I can't wait to run into the arms of Jesus first of all. Then to meet all the disciples and everyone I read about in the bible. Also those Angels, I have a few questions to ask them. So many times I know God had them stepped in the gap for my life. Also, to meet my husband....I know he is going to be a might man of God. He will be full of honor, integrity, and love, and goodlooking:)z


Mostly Worship Music, Jason Upton, Casting Crowns, Misty Edwards,


Ever After, Angels in the Outfield, Havic, Lord of the Rings, Beautiful Mind, Kingdom of Heaven, Passion Of Christ..
Get a Jerusalem Clock


YOU ARE A PSALMS Some people think you never get discouraged, but the fact is, when you do, you know where to run to. Your Prayers are open and honest because you realize that God already knows your heart. He's just waiting to hear you spill it. And when you do, what starts out as heavy ends up becoming a song of praise. YOU ARE A PSALMS You may struggle....as often as you do..but each time, you grow in your understanding of God's faithfulness. You are just a song waiting to happen. YOU ARE A PSALM


The Seer, The Supernatural Power of a transformed Mind, The Bait of Satan, A resilient Life , The Bible, Our Hands are Stained with Blood, Dreaming with God by Bill Johnson


Father God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit