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About Me

koncertas tamstoj

Bozena Buinicka - composer, piano, vocal. To me, creativity is strong spiritual experience. If an artist doesnt hear God's voice, he wont be able to compose anything valuable. Love and belief is the concrete of all creativity. Man itself can't create anything

Tadas Desukas - violin, mandolin. Music - life. My life - music.

Tomas Diciunas - guitar. I live this moment, because this moment had never happend and never will happen again.

Maciej Kleszczewski (Warsaw) - flute. I'm trying to play from my heart not from notes. There is opportunity that i'll make something valuable keeping that way and crowd after a concert will talk not only about how many notes i managed to play, but something more.

Stanislaw Buinicki - Artist. The most important thing in creative work is the same as in whole life, it is belief and love of God. Other things is just human problems.

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My Interests


Member Since: 12/31/2007
Band Members: Božena Buinicka p,voc

Tadas Dešukas violin

Tomas Dičiūnas guitar

Dariuš Loznikov bass

Jonas Lengvinas drums

Maciej Kleszczewski flute

Andrius Kairys drums

Eduardas Ločeris drums

Influences: Ahmad Jamal, Slava Ganelin, Iron Maiden, Dream Theater, Antis, Joshua Redman, John Zorn, Traditional music, Jan Garbarek, Metallica, John Coltrane, Justyna Steczkowska, Thelonious Monk, Kino, Fryderyk Chpin, Niccolò Paganini, Astor Piazzolla, Prince, Motörhead, New York hip hop, Groove Armada, Stéphane Grappelli,Ella Fitzgerald, Sarah Vaughan, Jojo Mayer, Led Zeppelin, Mr. Bungle, Mark Bernes, Anna German, Joe Dassen, The Bad Plus, Dianne Reeves, Dj CAM, Ornette Coleman, Miles Davis, Richard Bona , Victor Wooten, The Cracow klezmer band, Nigel kennedy, Janis Joplin, Patricia Kaas, Vladimir Vysocky, Czeslaw Niemen, Lao Che, U2, Edith Piaf and.......
Sounds Like:

Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog


Bo~ena Buinicka  kompozitor, pianist, vokalist. Gim spalio 6. Baig muzikos mokykl, vliau baig Juozo Tallat-Kelpaos konservatorij, estradins muzikos skyris. `iuo metu studijuoja Lietuvos m...
Posted by Vertical on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 07:47:00 PST

STRAIPSNIS I` VAR`UVOS }URNALO "TWOJA MUZA" 002.jpg 003.jpg 004....
Posted by Vertical on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 04:08:00 PST