MySpace Glittersomeone who's really into me..who can be there for me through any situation and is cool to look past and even appreciate my flaws..I just want MY MR.RIGHT!!even MY MR.RIGHT NOW would be cool.LOL..
My names LaTosha "Jay" Pratt. I'm a pretty laid-bck girl..i think.I'm always in DC but i live in VA and rep. JA..My life wasn't great always but i make it seem like it has been..smiles can be decieving..NOT ANYMORE tho..My life is freakin awesome and I have the friends [Criddle-Boo, Nick-ster, and TifferSpitsz], the family [Mommy, Daddy, TyJaun, and Jayden], and GOD to prove it!! I try to make pretty darn good decisions but even when i slip up, i learn from it and that's what's important. YupperSZ. I'm a freakin awesome chick!! My Status:SINGLE..SomeMORE?!..Well my favorite performers are Michael Jackson, Shaggy,, Janet Jackson, and MC Ricky D!!They be rockinIT..My favorite songs are Human Nature, Dirty Diana, Leave Me Alone, and Scream..All by Mr. Jackson of course. My favorite food is Jambalaya. My favorite desert is Key Lime Pie..YUMMY!! My favorite people to talk to are my Mommy and Daddy, GOD, Chris (yeah..he's somethin' special),"Sweet Vanilla" (insider.)He's one of the best ppl in my life, and last but never wifey Criddle Boo!!
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My Blog.
Well to describe you in one word would truly be impossible..
I can never find the courage to tell you how I feel about you (but hopefully tht changes!lol.)..
Although we may be somewhat kinda different,
You're still the only person other than fam.
that seems to get me..
You're an amazing friend who's always beside me(hint hint)
And I never leave you without a smile on my face.
Another hint:"Wanna see a movie?!"
Can you figure out who I'm crushin on?!
A movie is a movie BUT the best ones are ACTION packed..full of DRAMA and most importantly COMEDY.
MySpace Glitter
I'm into anything that grabs my attention..My favorites are reality shows like MADE and COLLEGE HILL..My favorite cartoons are FAMILY GUY and SCOOBY-DOO!!
MySpace Glitter
Any book that persuades me to move along to the next chapter is worth reading!!
My heroes are GOD..MY PARENTS..and even MYSELF..I surprise myself with the wise choices i make and even the bad ones that i can grow to learn from..I'M AMAZING!!