Sports:The sports in which I enjoy are: Basketball, football, and track and field. Track is the best sport in the world, no doubt! Just being in shape is the greatest!
I would like meet: Micheal Jordon, Kevin Garnett,Lebron James, Reggie Bush, and of course the San Francisco 49ers! Well come on I cant forget, " The Boston fuckin Red Sox," they are the best just ask the Yankees this season! LOL!
I love alternative! 3 Doors Down, The Calling, Green Day, 3 Days Grace, Papa Roach, Plaine White tees, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, and of course Breaking fucking Benjamin they are the fuckin best!
I love all kinds of movies. I like Ankerman, Dodgeball, Scarface, Godfather, Day after tomorrow. Those are just some of the movies I like, but I enjoy lots of others. I also love watching horrors!!!!!!!!!!
Sportscenter all the way. If your a sportsfan you watch this. I love watching basketball, football, and other sporting events when they come on. I also love comedies because people can be very funny. Oh ya cant forget Family Guy the best motha fuckin best show!
i don't read. LOL!
Heroes huh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Well my heroes are: Lebron James, Kobe Bryant, Dwayne Wade, Kevin Garnett! and Reggie Bush the most explosive back in the NFL!