nicole profile picture


if u want it, get it!

About Me

"music junkie"...unpredictable behaviour...ALL OUT pag minded...with a sharp sense of humour... hottie...very traansparent...clairvoyant... so makulit...moody...sensitive... crybaby...sweet...candid... sexy...HAHAHAHA!!! i dont give a damn to what other people say...i show people who d real "NICOLE" is... fervently real! if you don't like me...hell with ya! i won't even give a damn care!!!

My Interests

&9829;aLL aBoUt fAsHiOn...pUsHiN bAllS oN hOlEs...mOvIe gOiN'...bAr hOppIn'...bUnGee jUmPiN'...sHoPPiN'...kIkAy sTuFFs...bEEr bAsHiN'...sHrEddIn mY gUiTaR...cHiLLin'...tAkInG pIx oF mYsElf...nIgHt LiFe...LiFe sUcKs wItHoUt gImIks!!!&9829;

I'd like to meet:

YOU...c",) &9829;[email protected]&9829;


&9829;, aCoUsTiC lOvE sOnGs-when i reminisce(emo trip-eeewww!)...r&b, hIp-hOp, tRaNcE-when i feel like dancing(yeehah!)...cLaSSiC & lIgHt jAzz-while making love(ooohlala!)...LiGhT aLtErNaTiVe-when i'm wild & out of myself...&9829;


&9829;, coyote ugly, sweet november, a walk to remember, head over heels, moulin rouge, the ring (0, 1, 2), lord of the rings (1, 2, 3), fast & d furious, twins effect, wishing stairs&9829;


&9829; girLs bEhAvInG bAdLy...&9829;


&9829;, i hAtE rEaDiNg bOOkS... i dOn'T hAvE tImE rEaDiNg tHoSe hUnDrEd pAgEs! demn!&9829;

My Blog

leT's pArTy pEoPlE!!!

MILKSHAKE-remix feat. Lala, Rah Digga My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, And there like, Its better than yours, Damn right its beter than yours, I can teach you, But i have to ch...
Posted by nicole on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST