So i'm Kyle, think of a nickname
Dino's and Bubbles interest me very much
People Worship me on August 22
I'm a graduate of Coxsackie Athens High
I would love someone if they got me a Giraffe...
and named it June Pipinpaberlopzercopolis :)
I create scene's everywhere i go
This town basically sucks more dick than a Famous Prostitute
Music♥ and Photography♥♥ occupy a large part of my life
I'm a pretty big Pirate of Music
Photography is my career choice. Got a problem...GTFO!
I love going to shows with my friends
I'm Strictly Dickly and totally happy with that
I'm currently taken :) and happy with that :)
My friends are my life and without them I'd be nothing♥
My friends always come before Family.
I wanna move outta NY, and somewhere...
more suited for Me :)
My cellphone is 518-598-4908 :)
I always have it and always looking for
for new people to talk to
If you take it though
Please tell me who you are so i don't freak
so please start up a conversation :)
I always make every one interesting :)..I ABSOLUTLY HATE THE JONAS BROTHERS!!!!!