I want to dedicate this page to the 2 most beautiful women in the world that had a major role in my life, my mom Peggy and my grandmother Mee-Maw, I thank God that he chose these 2 women to raise me and love me, I hope they both know how much they have been loved and admired. Mee-maw has gone to be with the Lord, I miss her terribly but I know one day she will be standing there waiting for me when its my time to be with him.
First I want to say that I am just a plain ole southern woman that loves our Lord Jesus Christ with all my heart. He has blessed me with 4 beautiful children: Jr., Matthew, Kimberly and Aaron and the most awesome grandchildren: Justin, Victoria, Joshua, Jason, Kaylee, Jonathan, Gabriel and we have another addition to our family, Mia, she is sooo adorable. I love them all so much, they are my life and my heart and I thank God everyday that HE chose me to be their mother and grandmother. I love being with my children and playing and spending time with my grandchildren, they mean the world to me, I don't get to see them all like I would like to but they know I love them and I know they love me too.
HE has also blessed me with my wonderful mom Peggy whom I love dearly, she has always been there for me and I don't know what I would have ever done without her, she is my best friend, as me and her has gotten older we have become closer than we have ever been, she has a heart of gold and would give you the shirt off her back if you needed it, I hope she knows just how special she is. She has had a lot of struggles in her life, she has had to be mother and father to me and my sisters and I can tell you that at times she has had her hands full, but the Lord has always been there to see her through it.
God also blessed me with 2 special grandparents, Ozella and Irby, I couldn't say maw-maw and paw-paw, it came out mee-maw and pee-paw so that's what everyone end up calling them, mee-maw & pee-paw helped raise me, they were from S.C., they were about as southern as you can get, I guess that is where I get my southern drawl from. They are both with the Lord now, Mee-maw passed away at home at the early age of 64, she had Fibromyalgia also, she stayed in alot of pain just like I do, her poor body just wore out from it all. Pee-paw liked 3 days of being 84 years old when he passed away, me and my sister Gina held him in our arms as he left this world, I miss them both so much but I know one day they will be waiting on me when I go to be with the Lord.
I also have 2 beautiful sisters Gina & Lisa whom I love alot, I am the oldest, then Lisa and then Gina. I also have 3 wonderful nephews - Kevin, Nathan & Justin and 1 beautiful niece Leah, I love everyone one of them with all my heart and I am so very proud of each and every one of them, they are my babies. I fret sometimes about the well-being of those close to me, I know I shouldn't because I know the Lord will take care of them but sometimes I just can't help it. Since I don't get to hardly see any of them I worry about how they are doing at times.
Ok, now about me, I am 5'4 and I have dark green eyes but I guess you know that by now by my screen name, lol, my hair was all the way to my bottom until just a month ago, I cut it off above my shoulders, it was getting to hard for me to fix it and the color was dirty blonde with red in it and lite brown underneath, but now I have more gray than anything. I am disabled because I have been diagnosed with full blown Fibromyalgia and severe disk degenerative disease plus other health problems, but I am hanging in there and praying for a cure one day. I am a very honest person and I hope that people will be honest with me. I live in the south and I love it, I am a real laid back southern gal, about as laid back as you can get. I am with a man (Todd) who I love very much, we have known each other since I was 15 years old.
I love laughter, best medicine in the world. I use to love to travel but can't now, I especially loved going fishing with Todd and my youngest son Aaron, we would go fishing all the time. There was one time we went up to the mountains where Todd was born to go trout fishing, we had to go down this very steep embankment that had a lot of tall weeds growing up and you had to hold on to them to keep from tumbling down it, there is this large rock that hung over the river some that we would stand on and fish. Anyway, we was on the rock fishing and Aaron had to go back up to the car to get something and when he started back down that embankment he tumbled head first down it and landed right up on his feet, lol, it scared me at first but when he landed right on his feet like nothing had even happened and I saw that he was ok, I just laughed and laughed, it was so so funny.
Sometimes I wish I could go back in time to when my children were young, I loved doing things with them, those were the best times. But now I have my grandchildren, you know when you have children, there is this bond, this love that mothers feel for them, its a love like no other, but then comes your grandchildren, and you thought that you loved your children, wait till you have grandchildren, now you feel this whole kind of different love, its hard to explain if you have never had grandchildren, its an extension of you and your children that will live on and now you have this totally different kind of bond.
I've always been a very neat person, I've always felt like everything has its own place, I've heard that Virgo's are neat fanatics, but now I have to take one day at a time and do the best that I can. I don't drive anymore or get to get out and go places like I use to because of the fibro so this computer is basically my contact with the outside world. I have met some of the most awesome people here on this computer. About 8 years ago when I first got my computer I ran across an AOL fibromyalgia chat room by accident, I have met the most awesome people in there, I didn't know of anyone else had fibro, if it weren't for a lot of them I'm not sure how I would have made it, they treated me like family, they shared their stories with me, but most of all they let me know that I wasn't alone in dealing with this pain, they always had an ear or shoulder if you needed it. I know that the Lord is with me but it really helped talking to others that was going through the same thing I was, especially when I felt that no one really understood what I was going through. The chat room I'm sorry to say is closed now but a lot of us still stay in contact with each other, I thank God every day in my prayers for meeting such great people, they will always be in my heart and prayers.
I love butterflies, I have ever since I was little, they just look so delicate and their colors are so beautiful. I like to read all kinds of books (especially the bible); I like being on the beach at night feeling the warm breeze on my body and listening to the waves. I use to love going to my grandchildren's activities like football, baseball, cheerleading but being disabled now I cant, this has especially been hard for me, not being able to go to them anymore and not getting to see my mom like I would like to, but you have to try to make the most out of your life, no matter what comes your way, we all have our crosses to bear and this is just one of mine.
I love listening to all kinds of music (its according to what kind of mood I'm in, lol), especially when I'm cooking, I like slow dancing, cross stitching, painting, gardening, all these things I love to do when my body will let me which is getting few and far between now, most days now I can barely get out of bed. I live out in the country so I like sitting out on my deck at night and listening to all of Gods little critters, beautiful sounds. Its just amazing all the beautiful things that God has made.
I have a 10 lb. rat terrier named Baby, she was the runt of the litter, I named her that because she is my baby, lol, I know that the Lord sent her to me because me being disabled and being stuck here in my house day in and day out, I was really starting to feel lonely and like the walls were closing in on me, especially when I was so used to going and doing things all the time, so I started praying for the Lord to help me and then Baby was offered to me. I know a lot of you might think I'm crazy but I feel like she has helped save me in some ways, she even knows when I am having a really bad day with the pain.
I thank the Lord every day for his LOVE and MERCY, my body might be battered and torn by these illnesses but my faith in God still holds strong, just like the song by Ray Boltz (The Anchor Holds).Remember,
sorrow looks back,
worry looks around,
but FAITH looks up.Also, check out my blog, it describes to you how my life is right now in dealing with the Fibromyalgia.HERE IS PICTURES OF MY BEAUTIFUL FAMILY