♥Starbucks ♥Movies ♥Scrapbooking. ♥Fleece ♥Mix CDs ♥Road trips ♥Flip flops ♥Greeting cards ♥Home videos ♥Java chip ice cream ♥Socks ♥Movie previews ♥Chicken ♥Watching reruns ♥A good cry ♥Laughing till it hurts ♥Disneyland ♥Mosquito nets ♥Jackets ♥Hide and go seek in the dark ♥Cookie dough ♥Special breakfast ♥Christmas ♥Junk food at Debbies ♥New Years with Jocey ♥Shopping ♥Pjs ♥Rain ♥Naps ♥Traditions ♥Mario 1, 2 and 3 ♥Dates with daddy ♥To-do lists ♥New shoes ♥Wrestling ♥Lots of ice ♥Diet coke ♥Knowing exactly who I am in Christ ♥New car smell ♥Three-hour logs ♥Bollywood ♥School supplies ♥Chandelier earrings ♥Inside jokes ♥Looking through photo albums ♥Tickled pink ♥Happy endings♥♥♥
Check out my playlist ;)
DiSnEy MoViEs!WiZaRd oF oZ!ChRiStMaS MoViEs!BoLlYwOoD!ChIcK FlIcKs!
ThE sOuP. AmAzInG rAcE. TyRa. ThE oFfIcE. HoW i MeT yOuR mOtHeR.
FaMiLy! eLySe! ScOtT! FrIeNdS! AnD... DwIgHt K. sChRuTe!