Vote against Hate in 2008!!Say "Oh Heck No" to another 100 years in Iraq!
The current Prez created a civil war, we're gonna have to help clean it up, we won't be able to immediately withdraw. Our government is spending our dollars on mercenaries, death machines, spin, & lord only knows what kinda black-ops. At the same time taking horendeous care of the boys who actually return (sans box), & all of our vets,(you know the guy who asks you for a little spare change...)and just ONE plane crash us cost 1 BILLION dollars (a B-2 Bomber). Thankfully the pilots both ejected safely, and the monetary loss saved future deaths. That's stooooppppiidddd!About ME, huh? well umm...WELL All RIGHT THEN you asked for it...I suppose if I were to choose one cliche to describe myself it would be "A Work in Progress".
But then , We all are aren't We?
My worst nightmare is the stagnation of my thoughts, ideas, emotions, or beliefs. My life has been filled with constant evolution.
I know some of the coolest people imaginable, they are not cool because of what they drive, who they know, what they do...they are just themselves. Non judgemental and mind expanding, they tell me the truth. I never thought in the course of my topsy turvey, winding, crazy gypsy life, I would be so lucky.
I am still, at age 39, a paradox to myself, and an enigma to others.
I'm just Me...People always seem to think, and often say, that I am "different" or "unique".
Ummm...HELLO we're all different & unique, have ya'll ever met two people who are exactly alike?)Twins aren't alike, on the inside, sheesh.
Or "colorful" (I get that one alot) lol
Or Wonderful, or "Strange", or Kind.
Or kinda crazy...(In a good way)...
I am all those things, and many others and am happy to be so.
I'm just Christa.
here's hopin' change and healing is coming to our world!