Well what can you say here other than vague simple things. I like to play soccer. I like listening to music, watching movies and going out...the usual. I would like to become an actor someday, its a lot harder than I thought. I am shy at first when I meet people than I open up and don't shut up. I was born in San Jose, Costa Rica came here when I was 2 went back when I was 9 and came back again at 16 and been here ever since. I have lived in San Jose, Cartago(Costa Rica), Queens New York, Riveredge New Jersey, Waterbury Conn., Lehigh Acres/West Palm/Boca Raton Florida. Just a coulpe of places and hopefully I will be adding Los Angeles California to the list. I like to learn new things all the time and experience them if possible. So if you know of anything new that you don't think I know about let me know.
I also love sports...favorite teams: NY Mets, NY Giants, NY Rangers, NY Nicks, and Juventus
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