twiddling my thumbs. mornings. smiles. people watching. going for walks on end. hugs. music. sneakers. dancing. organized everything. eye contact. daydreaming. laughs. whispers. beach vball. the rain. architecture. martial arts. live shows. family values. saying my name is 'lori'. traveling. road trips being the one to drive. burping. pictures. indulging in cheesecakes. sweet things. vintage. geeks. green tea. natural highs. over-analyzing situations more often than required. pretending i am a stunt woman for lucy lui. jim carey. risk takers. the outdoors and athleticism. loves writing but takes pleasure in long-conversations. scrabble, crossword puzzles & sudoku. being in the company of loved ones. however, opts to watch movies in theatres solo. big busy city life. eternal optimists. gung ho about rice and bread. dreamers who takes pleasure in learning new things. with me. sucker for romance. cracking myself up. humoring others. putting on a great performance. adding spice to your life. living in my own world. cause that's how i dooooooo...that's improv bitch.
ultimately i'm here to keep in touch with friends and family AND for the music. however, perhaps if you can enhance and stimulate my brain, maybe, juuuuust mabye, i'll say hello back!
too many to list. music is such a wonderful and powerful essence of life. i love my ipod.
number 23. annie. garden state. a lot like love. amelie. love and basketball. fight club. sweet november. memento. shawshank redemption. best man. eternal sunshine of a spotless mind. american beauty. catch me if you can. crash. big. shindlers list. the pianist. pulp fiction. requiem for a dream. my girl. the departed. etc.
don't watch tv however i've got my dvd sets: sex and the city. seinfeld. entourage.
the alchemist. rich dad poor dad. sneaker freaker. sex and the city: kiss and tell. chronicles of narnia. he's just not that into you. fundamentals of hip hop 101. the zahir.
all-time: my mom. my dad. siblings: urstal jr mico. tlc: my bestest.