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The Hartland Performing Arts Center
located inside the Hartland Educational Support Services Center
9525 Highland Road - Howell, MI 48843
Special Internet Presale - April 1 at 10am - Bled Fest tickets will be $10.00 (with no service charges) for just 48 hours!
General Internet Presale - April 3 at 10am - Bled Fest tickets will go up to the regular price of $13.00 (with no service charges)!
click here
Discs and Tapes Unlimited
204 W. Grand River, Suite 140 - downtown Howell
Flat, Black, and Circular
541 E. Grand River - downtown East Lansing
The Music Man
5757 Whitmore Lake Rd. (Old 23 and Grand River) - Brighton
Dairy Queen
10490 Highland Rd. - Hartland
Hartland Community Education
9525 Highland Rd. - Howell
We encourage you to buy tickets in advance, especially from the local bands that are selling. The only way that they get paid for this year's event is to sell their tickets, so please, buy from them if you can!
What is Bled Fest?
Bled Fest is short for Big Love's Educational Festival. Big Love (named by his mommy and daddy as Ben Staub) started a small house show in 2005 and called it Bled Fest. He invited his favorite bands, and no there were no genre divides. It was a super fun show, with awesome people having an awesome time. In 2006, the show was way too big for his backyard. In 2007, it went to Skateland West, where promoters Stefan Maxx and Brian Brown turned it into a celebration of all things metal, with Black Dahlia Murder headlining. Over 1500 people showed up. Metal kids loved it. Big Love, and anyone who didn't just like metal, hated it. In 2008, Big Love brought Bled Fest back home to Hartland, with the help of local promoters Fusion Shows. They booked a varied lineup, and 900 attendees came out to see a variety of great bands from all rock genres. This year, that mission continues, with the scope being much larger. The lineup will be bigger, louder, and more kick ass than in years past!
What is not allowed at the event?
Weapons, alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, stickers, anything that will make a mess or cause damage (spray paint, silly string, etc).
When will the full lineup for Bled Fest be announced?
The Bled lineup will be added to as bands are confirmed. There is no time-frame on this. As we found with last year's event, the lineup will change often. Stay tuned right here for the most up-to-date lineup possible.
Is photography/video allowed?
Yes. Certain artists may require written permission, but for the most part, you can shoot photos or video as much as you'd like at Bled Fest 2009.
What else do I need to know?
Just know that this event is put on by hard-working music lovers such as yourselves. Please do not plan on doing anything that will jeopardize relationships with other allies in the music scene, such as venues, bands, promoters, etc. In short, don't do anything stupid, or we'll send you on your way.