I have always wanted to go sky diving, bungee jumping, and anything else that involves danger and excitement.
Well, I really want to meet Mia Hamm because she is an amazing soccer player and Matthew McConaughey because he is so dang cute! Oh and a dancer from Hawaii while I am in Hawaii would be freakin sweet! Besides that I'd like to meet cool people.href="http://www.myspacetoolbox.com/myspace-music.php " title="MySpace Music"MySpace Music at MySpace ToolBox
I love listening to country ( Gretchen Wilson is my all-time favorite) and hip-hop (especially 50 cents - Outta Control) and I like Nicklebacks Photograph. I guess music is just awsome in general. I will listen to almost everything.
How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days and Sweet Home Alabama are the best chick flicks.Mission Impossible 2 and Top Gun are the best because I love Tom Cruise! (But he has some crazy ideas!)
I recently gor into the tv series 24 and I have to say that I LOVE it! I have become so addicted to it and I cant wait for 5th season to end so that I can watch all 24 episodes in a row!Law & Order because I love how the mind of crimals think that they can get away with it but then get busted. And I like to try and figure out who did it before the detectives figure it out. I also like to see how creative companies can be with their commercials.
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Books...where to start? There are so many good books that I can't even begin to think of which one is my favorite. I guess you could say that I like to get lost in the book and create my own world.
People who stand on their own two feet and don't lie, cheat, or steal in order to make it.