Hello! My name is Chaunce Shrewsbury.
I have many interests and I love life.
I am excited to start college in January! I'm going to major in either History and Political Science or English and Philosophy.
I'm very largely into politics and I'm against the New World Order Agenda.
Check out my hero Alex Jones at Infowars.net or listen to him live and check out his 18 different powerful documentaries at Prisonplanet.tv
It is time to speak out and act NOW!
I'm also a very strong fan for Ron Paul and I completely support his campaign for freedom!
Make no mistake, I don't hate this country!
I love this country with all my heart and stand for the restoration of The Constitution and The Bill of Rights!
However, I am against the way our government is running the world and our lives. Think that I'm crazy? Think that you still completely free in your state of ignorance?
Educate yourself and find out what's really going on!
Learn about our corrupt Monetary system and the how the Federal Reserve works, about inflation and our unrepayable debt that continues to linger and get worse for the American people every day! Learn about the plan for world government and economic slavery! Learn about Eugenics, FEMA camps, the truth about 9/11, government cover-ups, and more!
Here is a list of only a few must see films regarding world affairs: END GAME-by: Alex JonesFreedom to Fascism-by: Arron RussoLoose Change-Final cut-by: Jason BermasZeitgeist: by many authors.etc.
I'm into protecting this planet and making it a
better place for humanity! Everyone has the right to live!
Not just the "Elitists."
Apart from politics and the fight for freedom, I also love writing fiction and am currently working on a project -Legend of Lorr- a 2D Classic Rpg style ABS game using Game Maker with my friend Braydee Johnson and a couple of other friends!