FallegaRouðka profile picture


I am here for Networking

About Me

A strange humoured grandmother
resides within a girlish coat, an old fashioned creature enslaved by
polymorphic forms of artistic expression.
Astrology blames ‘Jupiter in Sagittarius’ for several ambivalent traits;
the combination with all the earthy rest
seems to be peculiar indeed.The slides’ artwork has been fabricated a few &
thirty years ago, right now creative energy, spawning monstrosities &
oddities, flows into unusual un-publishable writings. Primarily.
Who would suspect that I have an affectation
for photography too?Tinkering with videography,
bringing wee films into being is amusing work as well.
Especially if your natty offspring causes
a great brouhaha by Pecksniffian philistines.
But one is inclined to pardon them. After all, I’m a pretty
conservative damsel myself.
I can’t brush my teeth or locks without
strolling around. Strange eating habits including linseed & books,
cake forks & the grim desire to rub down
to juicy dishes never fail to perplex guests & mortify my mother.
I like milk mixed with water &
quaff my tea by straw.My sweetheart, being rather rude but cute
has a passion for straw too. Though I’m his senior he’s an elderly
monsieur, slightly feminine & a terrific tenor.
Walks in wooded quarter’s gorgeous woods & hours of excessive
grooming delight the droll pair of us.Being considered as an awkward oddball
I have to be careful about my reputation. I hope you don’t mind
if I offer no fascinating analysis
about the unlikely facts of my love life. You could ask
my grand cousin Herbert anyway. He’s a special person with bonny
although spindly hair.Hairs in the bathtub are spine-tingling,
brainwashing loudspeakers beyond the pale. There’s an abyssal
difference between music and racket, I rather awake to
Haydn’s ‘Paukenschlag’ until the future ends than hear the faecal word
‘football pitch’ once again.Suffering from obstipation might be unedifying,
yet compared to jiggy parties it seems the more charming option.
Dragging my obstinate person to the latter
would only be successful if you anaesthesize me first. But be careful if
you use the ‘small pills’ above the kitchen sink. Intrinsically,
they are pollen, you have been warned.Does pilfering from bees
characterise the wicked mind? Unmolested I'm
harmless, boring or vivacious, dearest towards faithful creatures.
I just have a little liking for the scent of blood, to witness
an autopsy was the finest part of
my unloved education.There was a time when I could have named
every single muscle of the human body, sadly I’ve never learned
to elicit dancing steps from fragile bones.
Is a frail ‘rabbit's foot’ an adequate apology for a missed chance?
Could you become a hoofer with an
offended vertebra?Is there an actor with sporadic huskiness,
with an irksome voice in lieu of musical talent? Once a white cloaked
lady sensed ‘a great potential’ in me, for what exactly,
I preferred not to know. Another charmer
claimed the ‘uproar inside me’ while holding presentations needs
professional help. A tantalising
suggestion indeed.Sometimes I have the strangest feeling &
present seems to be a splinter of a dream I dreamed some years ago.
A promenade by nightfall & overpowering emotions.
Seconds pass by & eeriness with them, & I’m the rational sceptic,
the psychically interested scaredy cat
I was before.I never was a putto lover,
high pitched burble & squawking laughter
arouse the ever so opprobrious desire to amputate a certain
mammoth’s stilts. Do you like big game hunting?
I have marvellous objects for you! But perhaps I should try & be more
grateful. Being subject to abominations teaches you
some modesty. Isn’t that called a virtue?Is it a virtue if you rather collect
carnivorous plants than children? Breeding greens &
mothering embellishment witch seems to breed itself is a pastime
I will never sneeze at. Sternutation won’t affect my affection
for the nostalgic flair of dust, but blazing sunlight makes me fretful &
should be banished into a dark veiled
morning room.Mourning because of butchery
strikes me as futile albeith essential. A botcher fiddled in my cavity,
terming the shameful act ‘orthodontic measure’.
Now three healthy right teeth boast in a box & I with a lopsided face.
Sometimes my defiled half sports a wing-like ear as well;
still I think it’s more appealing than its counterpart.
Chacun à son goût.Tasty attributes make
a cranky character representative.
Pedantism & eagerness suit my complex disposition, I’m a dreamy
perfectionist, clingy & self-sufficient, slower than
escargots on crutches. Not tasty enough? Wake me with bluster early-
morning to marvel at a Jenghis Khan-
shaped pig's head.Heading through the maelstrom
of a glutted metropolis is not my preferred cup of tea,
although I appreciate the possibilities a gathering of chumps &
toxicities offers. In Vienna, where wooded quarter's
fogeys are eyed with skepticism, some fetching spots wait for your
investigation. Make sure to visit the ‘fools tower’, perhaps
you’ll find the ever-charming memory of
Mina’s presence there.

My Interests

...PlacesOfOld...ArtHistory......DreamingInANestOfDown...... VictorianGentlemen......OvergrownGardens......Snowfall...Tea time......Curiosities...Corsetry......Concerts...Loyalty.... ..HealthConsciousness......Chandeliers...MyGelding......Myth ology...Monogamy......Geysers...Philosophy......TheQuiteHour sOfTheNight......Etymology...Promenades......Taxidermy...The Ballet......Gargoyles...Genealogy......TheParanormal......Op era...EuropeanHistory.....Pathology...MysticMansions.....Mus eums...RainyEvenings......Cemeteries...Etiquettes......Drivi ngByNight......Gemstones...GhostStories......Antiquities...A natomy......Grottoes...Gardening.....TripsToShadowySnugPlace s.....Psychology...OldTraditions......ClassyVintageStyling.. ....Astrology...TheElderly......Attics...StandardDances..... .Dungeons...ClassicCars.....ClingyCreatures...Manicure.....I maginativeNeedlework......Velvet...AquaJogging......Calligra phy...Candlelight......Orchids...VeilsOfMist......Porcelain. ..CyclingTours......EnigmaticDreamscapes.....Sincerity...Ins piringForests.....Ancientness...Surrealism......EnglishLiter ature...Graces......ForeignLanguages......Yuletide...Archite cture......Gloves...TheVictorianEra......Stockings...MyLapto p......WroughtIron...Soliloquies......IdiosyncraticFacings.. ...Lanterns...LymphDrainages.....CrystalBalls...Gymnastics.. .

I'd like to meet:

Do you enjoy hot summers in the city?
Relish ribald slang, computer games & piercing parties?
You have a predilection for floodlight & self indulgence, sun baths &
smoky shebeens? Cherish cherubs & Mickymaus?
You may be a kind person,
but for some mysterious reason I fish for more kindred spirits.
If you are a glutton for punishment or an exorcist,
I would like to redirect you to my quondam riding teacher.
Feel free to contact Dr.Oxentreiber
for specific information.


I can’t whistle without
flute, but once a blind man
told me that my frosty
fingers seem tailor made
for pianists.Sadly rutting reindeers’
onomatopoeia is
more harmonious than mine,
could you be the
filcher of my former seamless
singing voice?I do not know one trendy
band (is that a
crying shame?), twanging
my mother’s deceased
violin satisfies
voracity for dissonance.Although it’s certainly no
synonym for ‘poor’
I don’t fancy ‘popular music’.
Generally at least.
Clarifying touchy tastes
is a Herculean task.Classical & dated
are appealing
adjectives, melodic &
quaint ditto.
Arousing & atmospheric,
rhythmical & theatric.You yearn for a more specific
impression of my
oh so sophisticated music &
movie taste?
Take a peek at MinaMaria’s
YouTube Favorites.


I don’t know many motion
pictures which please
me well and truly, fortunately
that’s no necessity
for enjoyable entertainment.Films with historic
settings are rarely unsavoury.
Is jejune the plot’s
feature, there’s still a dainty
scenery to eye.Gmünd’s cinema,
adapted to conventional want,
does not see me often.
Action packed & ‘funny’ flicks
just make me wail with
gallows humour.While broad jokes
are evil aunts & too turgid
tearjerkers their antic
nephews, antiquated classics
are always gladdening
gallant guests.I do like aesthetic grotesque.
Something profound &
slightly ghoulish-humoured.
Something that reminds
me of my own
somewhat curious style.There has to be a
dozen of delicious films which
I haven’t ferret out yet.
Perhaps you’re in an altruistic
access of emotion &
would like to suggest some?


Harassed by
deaf desperadoes’ television
imposition & stuffed
with achy earplugs, I nourish
no sympathy for ungainly
clumps of rumpus.Usually the toilet (TV) paper
shows my lately
disciplined & diligent self
that to march towards
the tube isn’t worth the effort.According to my
dastard disposition I spent
my couch potato
teenage period with risible
serials anyway.



My Blog


  Monströse, grausam-trist und gar grimmig pechgefiedert, Habsucht ein unzufrieden Herz hauteng umgliedert. Hat sich an reichen Schwänen angebiedert, Mich jedoch nur gräulich angewidert.   ...
Posted by FallegaRouðka on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 07:51:00 PST


  Scharlachrote Schwanesweiße Das Triptychon verwunsch`ner Weihnachtsnacht kleistert schlummernd` Lider zu, und im Wachzustand verdrängte Wege, von alpmärhafter Farbenpracht umflort, stehen dei...
Posted by FallegaRouðka on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 05:50:00 PST