HULKOUT profile picture


When Hulk-Out's on a Mission you Nazis Cant Win

About Me


go 025.avipizza thrash DEMOlition" cassette now available $4ppd or $3 at a show!

"LOCAL CASSETTE HULK OUT Pizza Thrash Demolition 07 self released 3.50 new Ok, the dudes finally got it together and put out the demo Brian/Dropdead recorded in Olneyville. Total HC destruction that goes by so fast you won't be sure it even happened. Tracks dedicated to Nice Slice, Chan's Brother, the RI Smoking Ban, etc etc. Fast, HC, no time for bullshit… Ben/Armageddon"also available at armagedon records and

My Interests


Member Since: 9/26/2005
Band Members: NikPayne-Drums
C. Hong -Guitar
Mikebike- Guitar
Mike G.- Bass
Influences: Providence Past and Present: Third Death. Get Killed. Shred the Past. Dropdead. Verse. Learn. Get A Fucking Chainsaw. The Fuzz. Fourhorse. the Body. Tiny Hawks. Lightning Bolt. It's a Fucking Trap. Daughters. Mahi Mahi. Made in Mexico. The Nightmare Continues. Athletic Automaton. Football Rabbit. Suffering Bastard. What Feeds The Fire. White Mice. Sin of Angels. Mindflayer. Anomolous. Vincebus Eruptum. Throne of Blood. Cruelty. Another Dead Juliet. Short fast Dead. All Those Opposed. The Butcherings. Sawzall. Kites. Dave and Steve. Sage Francis. Neoprophets. Nonprophets. Nefarious. Sex Positions. A Trillion Barnacle Lapse. Contempt For Humanity. Chinese Stars. I, Destroyer. Denimvenom. Em dath Rir. Neon Vomit. Arab On Radar. Spheres. Advocate. Crippler Crossface.
Sounds Like: Gamma irradiated thrash.
Type of Label: None

My Blog

pictures from 12/20

sorry heres the real link out the sick pics^^^^
Posted by HULKOUT on Thu, 22 Dec 2005 10:00:00 PST