KATZPLAY profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Unique.... lol Im not like any Woman that you have ever met, Happy, loving, bubbly, gitty, I love to love I love to smile and meet other people, chatt alot Im not stuck up, by all means but ive been told im beutiful hehe Remember you have to love yourself, to love others... Im pretty content with my self, and my life right now, Im mellow, Enjoying life everyday, to its fullest...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

ID LIKE TO MEET MY PRINCE A MAN WHOM IS DEBENARE YES DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT WORD MEANS? DOESNT LIE , DOESNT CHEAT, BEST FRIEND, SOULMATE, AND CAN MAKE MY HEART GIGGLE (and I know you are out there)Im looking for someone whom to spend the rest of my life with, but im in no hurry I want to get to know them first, be friends, you have to be friends and enjoy hanging out with them, weather it is going to Disneyland or doing absolutely nothing at all, like walking together in the rain...Id love to find someone whom is exactly like Me, except in a Male version, did that make sense?LOL If you are a passionate, type of Man,and oh yeah not afraid to cuddle and kiss... and think you can make me purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... then send me a meowI belive in miracles and sometimes Fairy Tales

My Blog

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