Jade likes to go out and have a good time, swigging vodka, and performing acts of satan. She has a voice of an angel and i wish more people could hear it. Jade likes getting naked and thinks she's black but she's really not. I love Jade cus she's the kindest person in the world. Lots of love jess x
R.I.P nan, "Ill see ya when I see ya"
Dirty Dancing, all that needs to be said
i could watch these two tits for hours
JESS "sex on legs" HOPE(HOBO):
this girl has a beer belly, and I LOVE IT. but on a more serious note this girl knows me inside/out. she knows exactly what im going to say and when im going to say it.shes like my other half and i'd truly be lost without her.but if she says to me one more time "up your arse" im going to cut my left testicle off and shove it in her face!ILOVEYOUHOBO x
this girl is the most sarcastic fuck EVER! but she makes me crack up. With are Monday morning sessions and our situations. She really does brighten up a dull day, with her one liners. ILOVEYOUBADBOY
Sarah Ashley and Phoebe Norton:
These girls are pretty much my back bone. They have been there for me through happy and sad times. I love them all more then life itself. There so beautiful in every which way. If you want to do something completely random, go out with them, but it might involve lifting up eachothers skirts
And to anyone I forgot…..#
Lily, Adaobi, Sas, Lisa, Ro, Rosie, Niamh, Ally, Lily, Addy, Smit, Krys P,Bam,Furby, Cato AND DivAND THE BELMONT LADIES!!!!