Music, Intoxication, Anthropology, Cunnelingus, Natural Disasters, Coitus, Compulsive Sadism, Karma, Psychological Warfare, Caving, Camping, Metal, Totalitarianism, Panica Nervousa, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Fuck You, Fishing, Antiques, War Relics, Fornicating, Photography, Mixing/Audio Engineering, Guns, Survival, Geology, and Philosophy.
Someone else.
METAL, Progressive, Blues, Americana, some Country, New Age Classical
Guts, guns, explosions, boobs, monsters, killin', etc.
History Channel, Sci -Fi, Documentaries, C-Span, JEOPARDY!, 60 Minutes
Encyclopedia Brittianica, The Illiad, and The Odessey.
Certain philosophic and religious works; The Bhagavad Gita, Psalms and Proverbs, "The Pilgrim's Progress". Also, "Utopia" by Karl Marx, and "Letters From The Earth" by Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain). I've also become an avid Robert Frost reader lately.
Karl Marx, Anders Friden, Lucifer, Yeheshua, David Koresh, Sylvia Saint.