What is ElDouble?
Who is ElDouble?
What does ElDouble mean
ElDouble is an alias that I have ascribed to myself. Myself being Dwayne, a 20 year old with a passion for Art.
ElDouble stands for 'Live Life' because this is what I feel each and every person should do. Don't just see life through. To use a common expression, go out there and grab it by the horns...and if you don't, then prepare to fail. If you want to do something, try your best to achieve it and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Why is Art important? Think about it, art is the very foundation of our society. Without it there would be nothing. No architects...no shelter. No musicians...no music. No writers...no books. Without art we would be in an extremely plain world.
Ok, a bit about me and what I do. I work in a school as a Specialist Teaching Assistant because I understand the importance of guiding young people onto the right path, that of success. My passion is designing things, whether it be posters, CD covers, Flyers, Logos...whatever really. I have no formal qualifications but I'm going to try and teach myself and just do what I can.
JayPrai is the name of the clothing line that myself and a friend of mine (John aka Mission Crowney)hope to create in the near future. At the minute it is just a concept with some ideas drawn up but come the next few years...we WILL have made it far. Keep an eye out.