anaboko ichigo profile picture

anaboko ichigo

I am here for Friends

About Me

My name is Justin, and I enjoy movies that don't include Meg Ryan, wistfully contemplating the Superbeing somehow never produced by the coupling of Johnny Cash and Miss Moneypenny, foiling elegantly-conceived plans for world domination, riddles, and tacos.I'm also into science fiction. My favorite is Philip K. Dick's "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep," better known as "Blade Runner" to you movie fans out there. I'm a big fan of sci-fi films as well, especially "Dune," but Bob Dylan's "Don't Look Back" and the whole "Die Hard" series are also big favorites of mine.And anyone who can tell me what the big bouncing balloon means in the TV show "The Prisoner" is aces in my book.

My Interests

Watching the stars, Hearing the waves, Dreaming, making out in the rain, being perverted(wait that is not a interest thats a life style), Video Games Mostly on Xbox Live you can find me there my gamertag is Th3 In73r53c7

I'd like to meet:

I would Like to meet, Zachary Levi, Goto Masafumi, Kita Kensuke, Yamada Takahiro, Ijichi Kiyoshi, Kiyoharu (volcalist from SADs), Masakazu Morita (voice actor for Kurosaki Ichigo),


Rise Against, High and Mighty Color, Asian Kung-fu Generation, The Vines, Modest Mouse, Bucket Head, Arctic Monkeys.


300, V for Vendetta, Beerfest, Super Troopers, Corpse Bride, Princess Bride, Versus, Full Time Killer, Ichi the killer, Transformers, 30 days of night, Bleach Memories of nobody.


Bleach, Chuck, Gundam 00, Retal Magica, Dragonaut, Gurren Lagann, Zombie Loan.


R.A Salvator Dark Elf Triligy,Eragon/Eldest - Christopher Paolini


My Mother (the perfect mother in my eyes), Kurosaki Ichigo (never giving up), and Drizzt Du'Unden (over coming the impossible, Chuck (awsome geek of awsomeness)

My Blog

Shinigami no Ballad

So I been watching alot of new anime and I do mean alot I Have over 100+gigs of Anime on my computer and noth to mention the anime i have stored on DVDs. I recently came across one called Shinigami no...
Posted by anaboko ichigo on Fri, 09 Jun 2006 12:14:00 PST