Jilleo profile picture


Beauty Is In All

About Me

You are The Star

Hope, expectation, Bright promises.

The Star is one of the great cards of faith, dreams realised

The Star is a card that looks to the future. It does not predict any immediate or powerful change, but it does predict hope and healing. This card suggests clarity of vision, spiritual insight. And, most importantly, that unexpected help will be coming, with water to quench your thirst, with a guiding light to the future. They might say you're a dreamer, but you're not the only one.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

You scored as Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan. You are an evangelical in the Wesleyan tradition. You believe that God's grace enables you to choose to believe in him, even though you yourself are totally depraved. The gift of the Holy Spirit gives you assurance of your salvation, and he also enables you to live the life of obedience to which God has called us. You are influenced heavly by John Wesley and the Methodists.

Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan


Classical Liberal






Reformed Evangelical


Roman Catholic


Neo orthodox


Modern Liberal



What's your theological worldview?
created with QuizFarm.comMy name is Jill I am 24, Im currently on Probation for being bad! I have been doing good since may 2006, I Know what I want out of life now and I am going to do whatever it takes to accomplish that! Yes I do want to be in a relationship, with someone who knows what they want out of life and does not drink much and doesent use drugs! I stayed single for four years after my logest relationship which was only a year and a half that was abusive and controlling--THATS NOT WHAT IM ABOUT! I recently broke up with the first guy Ive cared about in 4 years who I went out with for six months, we want two different things out of life therefore I AM SINGLE!!!I would like to meet a guy not all about control that likes me for me I will not change the way I dress for you! I dont want a constant Partier, But someone who does want to have children someday Who Loves Jesus Christ and God, but has an interest in reincarnation, spirits esp...
You scored as Loving Heart. Aww!! you have a loving heart! people look at you and think, .."wow, i can see that person in a cheesey romantic flick......." you may not know it, but you ARE romantic, occasional flowers and chocolates go out to the people you love. which means a low bank account cause you heart is filled with love!

Loving Heart


Emo Heart


Psycho-Pathic/Issued Heart


Brutal Heart

What Kinda Heart do You Have?
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..tr The Sudden Departure
Random Brutal Love Master ( RBLMf )
Sweet. Dear. Loving. At Gate 18. Final call.
You are The Sudden Departure.
You've been in a lot of serious relationships. More than a few have ended ugly. Uglily. Whatever. Our guess is that you're a really fantastic girl who doesn't really know what she wants, and you've broken a few hearts as a result. You fall for people easily, and you enjoy the feeling of falling in love, but once you're there, either boredom or the old " grass is greener " syndrome sets in. The mind wanders, and with it goes the flesh. And then the toiletries.
.. begin exact opposite table -- ..tr height="20" Your exact opposite:
The Intern

Deliberate Gentle Sex Dreamer
..table .. end exact opposite table -- We know you're not the classic "love 'em and leave 'em" type, at least not in a purely sexual sense. You have too many serious bonding tendencies for that. But even though you're theoretically looking to settle down, you don't settle long on one person. "Serial monogamist" is probably something you hear a lot. "Emotionally loose" is another way to put it. To the poor guys eating your dust and sniffing your panties, it doesn't really make much difference. Of course, it's not really your fault that people get hurt. You have every right to move on when you choose.
ALWAYS AVOID : The Backrubber, The Gentleman
CONSIDER : The Vapor Trail, someone just like you
Link: The 32-Type Dating Test by OkCupid - Free Online Dating .
My profile name: jilleo
MySpace Profile Photo Editor

My Interests

In the summer time i Love dirt bikes quads motercycles, fishing and camping,mudd bogging, and Bon fire parties I Love and am addicted to travle!!!!!!! Right now i mostly read wright poetry watch movies listen to music and go online!
You scored as Face. You are attracted to: faces. You are a face person.










What Body Part Are You Attracted To?(pics) ver. 2.0
created with QuizFarm.com
You scored as A Romantic. You're a romantic through and through. You may not ever have very many partners, but it's ok. You know that it's about the person who you're having it with, and that the sex is more of a fun biproduct - a very fun biprodict. You know how to make your partner happy, and that's what it's all about.

A Romantic


Sex God


A Slave To BDSM



How are you in bed
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I'd like to meet:

Anyone who is sincere and True, I know and have known too many false fake fake fake people I would like to be aquainted with people who are not ashamed of who they are and find it easy to just relax and be themselves! I normally date men from 22-33 years old! I do like guys who would enjoy going to a Barnes and Nobles for tripple carmel Latte's, LoL! (Thats my favorite!) Each go our own way grab a few interesting books sit at the caffee debating our books and drinkin some coffee! Do not talk to me during a good movie, we can always debate our opinions on the movie when it is finnished! Dont talk to me if you get frusterated easily, If we are having a two way conversation that means that you AND I are speaking WITH eachother not at eachother, meaning YOU ARE NOT GOD AND YOU DONT KNOW EVERYTHING and neither am I opinions are like assholes everyone has one n their all full of shit! But sometimes those opinions are very worthwhile! Always listen consider BUT DONT PUSH! Do not talk to me as tho I'm a child. Do not interupt me constantly or I wont say another word to you CONVERSATION IS TWO WAYS! Please dont chew w ur mouth open, Dont change a good song when I'm just getting into the music, and dont wake me 10 times during the night!!!!!!! Thank you!!!


My Fav is Late 80's rock like hairspray music, todays rock, soft rock of all ages some country some punk very few rap songs some r&b, and Classical, I Love all music!


The Matrix is my all time fav! What deams may come, butterfly effect, The Departed Rocked, American Beauty, Legend, Labrinth, Casinova, Bram Strokers Dracula,Ghoast rider, sixth sence, Dazed and confused, Blow, Jacobs Latter... I Love movies that are deeply thought out!!! and I love comidies! Like liar liar, Freddy got fingerd, American pie, White Castle,What women want, Family man, Mr. Bean, Beavis and Butthead do America.... I Love Movies but only good ones!
.. You scored as Pearl Harbor. You scored as "Pearl Harbor", with the awsomely cute Ben Afleck. Yay!

Pearl Harbor


A Knight's Tale


Harry Potter Movies


Scooby Doo


Monty Python adn the Holy Grail


Jurassic Park


The Lord of the Rings


The Lion King




Spider Man




Monsters, Inc.


The Ghost and Mr. Chicken


The Birds

What Movie Are You??
created with QuizFarm.com


I dont get to watch much, but when i do i liked crank yankers when it was on punked, Sex in the city, everybody loves raymond i used to love friends!


Right now im reading Subtle is the Lord the science and Life of Albert Einstein by Abraham Pais, My fav book which i dident get to finnish is Utopia by Thomas Moore, i also like Dean Koontz and of Course the Bible is the all time Best Book ever written!


Jesus Christ

My Blog


I met You and you were amazingdifferenteverythingand once again I am left to contemplatewould tomarow be to latewhy did i wait for years and now that time is goneHe is with someone new and Saturday i ...
Posted by Jilleo on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 11:13:00 PST


Mind of an artist cant excape truthfor its inside me maybe not youever forget there are things I cant doI am only humantell me are youremembering innocence was it ever therewas there a time when someo...
Posted by Jilleo on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 07:10:00 PST


Its really just a bunch of painnobody seems to want to changesame ole same oleday after dayI'm holding the lightthat shows you the wayPeople do what they want to doNobody wants to be the foolcling to ...
Posted by Jilleo on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 10:34:00 PST


Do u know what its like to feel empty blank no emmotion no empathyhave u ever been so hurt u just stared at the wall wanting to cry and no tears will come outHave you ever lost your motivation to writ...
Posted by Jilleo on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 07:26:00 PST


Why is it the ones you want never want you backor there full of lies and hate and truth they always lackwhy is it i just cant cry nowand i just look backwhy is it my brain is fried nowand i cant handl...
Posted by Jilleo on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 11:03:00 PST

You Know Who You Are

something always strikes an emmotional bone in me and leads me to rageas im locked in this world of empathey and tied down in this cageAlways talking inside my headyes i answer me too always wondering...
Posted by Jilleo on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 09:06:00 PST


why do u torment me cant anybody see memoriesthey lie at stakewith everylie you makeslice my soul i havent cut yettake me back to innocenceit hasent been quite enough yetyou say you want to changebut ...
Posted by Jilleo on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 08:20:00 PST


from a time when rite was riteway back when now out of siteis my heart so true for youand there's nothing i wont dolaugh and cry together standin a world they reprimandbut u cant take truth from lovea...
Posted by Jilleo on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 09:24:00 PST


Please dont lie I Begyour graceYou have my heartright in its placeits in ur handsthats where it staysyou're who I wantfor all our daysYour tender lips I need to kissSo far awayjust you I missunfaulter...
Posted by Jilleo on Fri, 27 Oct 2006 03:27:00 PST


dance dance again in the rainsuck my blood take out all the paindream like its never been donerun like youve never runalone where i find sanitymy room only am i freeto dieand you cant hurt menow no on...
Posted by Jilleo on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 05:36:00 PST