~♥Mrs. Riddle♥~ profile picture

~♥Mrs. Riddle♥~

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About Me

I look at my life and can't help but feel blessed. I have the most amazing children and the most incredible husband. I couldn't imagine my life without my three fantastic little ones and my one big one and hope I never have to find out.
My children are my everything. My first one is Denver who is already 5 years old. He is such an incredible light in my life and we share a bond that can never be broken. Gotta love my mama's boy! I always said there was no such thing as love at first sight, but I failed to mention that indescribable feeling you get when you first see the amazing children in your life. Second is Hailey, though she may be older than Denver and is 7 years old, she is the second one to enter my life and I love her just as much as I would if I brought her into the world myself. It takes so much more than just giving birth to be someone's mommy and it warms my heart everyday when she says mommy or says that she loves me. My smallest one is Hannah who was just born February 21, 2008. She is an amazing baby and makes me want one more little one more than ever before. To see a little baby created by so much love is such a phenomenal feeling that I couldn't even put into words.
My husband is the most amazing man I have ever met since my dad. He has so much patience and understanding and I love him more than anything. We have been through over a year apart and if anything, that has shown me that life was made complete when he entered it. He is my best friend and my other half. No matter how bad the worst day we have together is, it still couldn't be as bad with any day without him..
I love to laugh, I often cry, I talk a lot, but can be shy, and will always do what I can for people, regardless if I consider you a friend or not. I have a very little patience for ignorance and opt to omit that from my life. One thing I have learned through everything in life is to regret nothing. All obstacles and bumps in the road are what made me who I am today.

Create your own family sticker graphic at pYzam.com

My Interests

My number one interest is spending time with my wonderful family. I love to shoot pool, scrapbook, cook, decorate my wonderful house, and just being me. I'm an at home mom and in all honesty, I wouldn't trade all the time I have for my babies and all the time I have to make my house a home for anything. Don't get me wrong, I love to shoot pool, play poker and do all those great non-mommy things, but nothing beats being a mommy! Another ambition I have is to model again. Though its been hard considering I just had a baby and hope to have one more, but to be back to my modeling shape and to do it again would be fantastic. All in all, my wonderful kids and Joe are the biggest parts of my life. I dont know where I'd be without them!

I'd like to meet:


Okay, my attempt to list music...I love all sorts of music. I love all sorts of rock, I love country, R&B, soul, jazz, oldies, classical, metal (check out Nasci!!)punk, some rap, some hip hop...and yeah...don't make me start listing artists because that could take all day.


Grrr...I know I am going to leave some out on this one. I love watching movies curled up with Joe. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers is a classic that I will forever love and so is While You Were Sleeping. Then there are: The Notebook, Walk the Line, Medal of Honor, Anchor Man, Empire Records, Forrest Gump, Beauty and the Beast, Sleeping Beauty, Cars, A League of Their Own, The Incredibles, Bad Boys 1 & 2, Sound of Music, and much more...


When the seasons are around, football and baseball. As for TV shows...Lost, CSI, Animal Cops, a few house flipping shows, Jon and Kate + 8 and anything interesting on ESPN, Discovery Health, or History Channel. Joe and I will also sneak in a little bit of the Game Show Network before bed if nothing else is on! Aside from Lost (husband's addiction) no show is watched on a regular basis. Thanks to Adrienne, I am officially re-hooked on Armywives!


I love Mary Higgins Clark, Dan Brown, Dean Koontz, Nicholas Sparks, biographies, war novels, and books to inspire, and yes, I do love Harry Potter (I started reading them long before they became popular).


♥ My children, who are always teaching me about how amazing life can truly be and how strong love can be, no matter what the distance. Only two may be mine through birth, but it takes more than that to love someone like your own.
♥ My Joe, who has been my strength and best friend. He is truly my hero and my own personal GI Joe! Never thought I would meet someone who reminded me so much of my daddy until I met him.
♥ And my daddy, who was the first to teach me about the endless boundries of love. His compassion, loyalty, love for his family, and inner strength will always be missed. There will never be a day that goes by where I don't think about him. (August 7, 1936~September 28, 2004)

My Blog

Four Years Have Passed...

Its been for years  since I last clutched your hand and said my final good-bye.  In many ways it seems like only yesterday, but in some ways it seems like such a lifetime ago.  Out of a...
Posted by ~♥Mrs. Riddle♥~ on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 11:09:00 PST

A Reminder of What I Have

Last night I was telling Joe that I wanted to get some sort of American flag (just stickers or something along those lines) to put on Hailey's little project for 9/11.  Joe mentioned that he had ...
Posted by ~♥Mrs. Riddle♥~ on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 07:10:00 PST

A Better Me Part 3

Well, I haven't written about my getting fit plan in a while because I pretty much flat lined for a while!  The good news is that I have lost a few more pounds and am now down to 138.  ...
Posted by ~♥Mrs. Riddle♥~ on Sat, 06 Sep 2008 07:36:00 PST

Update on everything

Well, I just realized that I haven't been quite the blog queen as I used to be and haven't really given an update on the Riddle family in ages.  I figured it was about time for a brief update. Ha...
Posted by ~♥Mrs. Riddle♥~ on Tue, 12 Aug 2008 10:06:00 PST

Going Back!!

Its official, I am going back to college!  Since I had stopped going and moved to Hawaii several years ago, I had always had a hope to go back some day.  Well, I had decided that there is no...
Posted by ~♥Mrs. Riddle♥~ on Fri, 16 May 2008 09:23:00 PST

A Better Me Part 2

Well, wish I had better news to report on this front, but I don't.  I have been feeling burnt out and with Hannah not sleeping in during the morning hours as much I haven't been able to squeeze i...
Posted by ~♥Mrs. Riddle♥~ on Tue, 13 May 2008 04:16:00 PST

Getting bigger

My little girl is getting bigger and bigger and all I can do is sit and watch as she constantly does new things and drifts farther from the little newborn I brought home from the hospital.  She i...
Posted by ~♥Mrs. Riddle♥~ on Wed, 07 May 2008 09:19:00 PST

A better me part 1

So, we are halfway through the first week and I have figured out that this isn't easy when you aren't allowed to cut calories!  I'm still nursing Hannah and will be until she is one so its hard t...
Posted by ~♥Mrs. Riddle♥~ on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 12:55:00 PST

A better me

So, by no means am I saying that I am overweight, but have realized that I am out of shape.  Since having Hannah, I have obviously lost my stomach muscles and have had the okay to work out again ...
Posted by ~♥Mrs. Riddle♥~ on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 09:25:00 PST

This past year

Well, as of this past Friday Joe and I have been married for a year.  Its been a wonderful year and I find myself loving him more and more each day.  He is my best friend and soul mate and I...
Posted by ~♥Mrs. Riddle♥~ on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 09:32:00 PST