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This is something that i have wanted to do for a very long time now. I created this page to honor and admire the work of the man I consider to be the worlds last great painter.When I was about 12 years old my father brought a book home to me about Dali.I was particularly fascinated by what he in his own words described as his "atomic awakening."
For Dali, the detonation of the atom bomb convinced him that this was the beginning of a new era. He succumbed to mysticism-nuclear mysticism, as it were. The Hiroshima explosion coincided with his own classicist explosion.
In it's characteristically mischievous way, ART NEWS commented, "The possibility cannot be ruled out that Dali will be giving more attention to the conscious realm from now on than to the unconscious. If this does indeed be the case, nothing need prevent him from becoming the greatest academic painter of the twentieth century."
Ironically he began to paint more in the style of the renaissance painters that he admired so much. His peers and the critics felt that he had abandoned the premises of surrealism. Yet by using the techniques of the renaissance painters, his work took an even more surrealistic turn
I was very fortunate to have met him during the 80's.And he was as much a delight in person as i thought he would be.And it is because of him that I ever even considered the notion of painting myself.
It pleases me to no end to be able to make this page in honor of him and his art which so much enthralled me as a boy, and still does to this day.
Creator, showman, and madman, Salvador Dali changed the way the world viewed art and itself.
More than over the top, the man with the straight standing moustache is the great grand father of 'Out Of This World.'
The most visible creator of surrealism he tweaked the publics sensibilities.Predating all others, he created the idea of artist as unpedigreed royalty.
By the time the 60's arrived Dali's legend was something that went beyond the mere idea of fame. A new generation of admirers whose minds had been opened by psychotropic drugs flocked to the master to pay homage and tribute.(Even though he himself was not into drugs at all.)
Dali had very little admiration for 'Modern art'.He felt that in the long run, modern art would just be seen as a footnote in the history books.
In his book, '50 Secrets of Magic Craftmanship, Dali tells about going with a friend to see an exhibition of abstract art in Paris, in 1936.
Dali went into a trance like state and appeared to be staring off into space instead of the paintings in the gallery and stood by the exit the entire time they were there. When his friend asked if he was okay, he replied that he was perfectly fine and was completely enthralled with the door going out the back of the gallery, and said. "The man who painted that door was a genius and knew what he was doing because its the best painted thing here at this exhibition."

My Blog

THE MEANING OF "I GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

TO EXPLAIN " I GO"  AND THE REASON WHY YOU SEE IT AT THE END OF SO MANY OF THE COMMENTS THAT DALI LEAVES!!!Dali invited 50 guests to the Ritz Hotel in Barcelona Spain, to honor the opening of La...
Posted by on Thu, 04 Dec 2008 06:19:00 GMT

Salvador Dali Interview by Victor Brockis

From 1960-1984, Salvador Dali spent three months each year ensconced in a suite at the St. Regis Hotel in New York City. Every Sunday night he held court in a small private bar where he received artis...
Posted by on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 14:06:00 GMT