Inside jokes; Snakes on Plane, Spaceship guarding chefs, Angry cookie scent, Wookie Charms, Mail-order pirates, Being magically delicious, Sine meat, Too Many Muffins, Chewbacca, Getting to the island with urgency, Goggles that do nothing, Not eating Pluto, Pirate pasta, Don Quioxte, Trebuchets, Communists, Knowing is half the battle, Setting up us the bomb, Sean Connery, Punching the cake, Pushing the button and receiving bacon, Having the president be kidnapped by ninjas, Money in the bank, Installing 1000 plants, Batman, Stopping for the Claw, Hulk Smashing, Mutton chops increasing the power of the evil eye by 50%, Biblesaurus, Chamellionaire, Chaos theory, Chuck Norris, Cobra Commander, The Kool-Aid Man, Fantastic Dan, Dead Sergeant Smith, Eli Whitney, The Inspector Gadget theme, Legless dogs, Mush potatoes mush potatoes, The Gazebo, Godzilla-With-Bill-Cosbys-Head, Goldman, GIR, Not eating the TV, It's a trap, Invisible sandwiches, Hi! I'm the king, The Burger King, Law For Kids, Lincoln, J.P. Moneybags, Bananaphones, Monocle man, Being awesome to the max, Slip'n'sliding into Mordor, The Truffle Shuffle, Being a bad enough dude to rescue the president, Nietzsche Pops, Living in a suburb of Excitement City on the radioactive zone of the sun, Apple Jacks, Pocket Mr. T, Not eating poison cupcakes, Raptor Jesus, Robot Ron, William Shatner, Homeless Pete, Ninja pirates, Cotton gins, The terrible secret of space, Zombie Moses, Stopping for Hammertime, Tank cat, Dr. P~, Making Tony Danza pay, Trogdor, Trebec, Christopher Walken, Skeletor, Very No!, Not wanting the wrong kind of tree, Zombie time, Getting big muss-cles, Cold feet equaling a psychic link, Communist princesses, Radiating apathy, Tapping forests for mana, Pirate ghosts, Serial cleaner, Burninating, The Scotland / Wyoming time tunnel, Desk-ninja jobs, Talk Like a Pirate Day, Having all of my problems in life caused by a lack of eating chum, Mispronouncing onomatopoeia, Getting big money and no whammies, International Law, Teflon cellphone shielding, Using 'teapot' as an adjective, Cursing the chemist and inventor of modern-day road asphalt, Victory notebooks, 8-foot tall crime fighting robots, seeing Goonies to further understand my culture, Angry Scotsman gum, Uttering from my word hole, The abacus of ultimate power, Midnight cereal, Obeying the fist, Putting pants on because this is a library, Defeated!, The unsolved mysteries theme, Having the moral of the story be No-pants, Being thankful the Alamo has no basement, True stories, Ordering one of those mind-erasing kits, Being foiled again, Welcoming you to my castle, Tricking you with my disguise, Roobarb Out, Being a pirate too, Answering the phone 'holycrapmyeyes', Taking gravity for granted, The dangers of Bob Hope, Grammer time, Poxing the phony king of England, By sea, Being known for my inability to speak Spanish while swallowing my car keys, Escaping midget shelters, Being like Double-U Tee Eff Mate?, Knifin' around, Melting down the elderly to make a crown, Biff!, Capitalizing things for a reason sometimes, Stranger Danger, Being an old man that's so old, Time Cube, Chloroform scented candles, SPOON!, Winning Bingo, Knowing that I'm an artist I'm an artist I'm an artist, The Jabberwocky, Free pancakes, England!, Bathroom Wall Tetris, Winning bingo, Spoon!, Chloroform scented candles, The boots of butt-kicking, Looking for some sailors around here, Naming exactly one rib, Keeping the box, Having ladders on the outside of my space ship, Getting my two dollars, Launching every zig for great justice, Using the controller for this stage, Not seeing anything... ever, The dogs with bees in their mouths, The chamber of wood, McWorld, Booting heads, Disproving daylight savings time, Keying eyes, Defeating Bacon Lake, Having success such that the enemy is in disarray, Not ordering waffles at IHOP, Failing where others have succeeded, Knowing that it must have been bobcats because the shovel is still intact, Operatic qualities, Kentucky Shark, Burger Law, Butter & Disco Dancing, Angry Scotsman Chewing Gum, Cinnamon roll revenge, Spoony bards, Getting involved in land wars in Asia, T. Nega, Lobster logic, Hitchhiking while sad music plays and the credits roll, More cowbell, Knowing that the legend will never die, The Bob Ross of suicide, Achieving "Maximum Fun", Space scurvy, Dr. Gold, Mr. Indigo, Using 'I used to eat my own shirt sorta' as a pick-up line, Communist Smurfs, South America: The Plan, Skullbaby, Pollo Diablo, Hating people in yellow hats, Call Me Ishmael!, Imminent percolations, Hulk Splashes, Wasting all the steam, Facepunches, Guy Fawkes' Day, Lobsicles, The white cable, Giving me your pun, Macbeth - ahhh!, Taking all the cafeteria spoons, Watching your grandpappy play 5th viola for the Cyprus orchestra, Spies from Bulgaria and all over, Enforcing the Jedi way, Serenading the pole, John Stamos, Hogging all the love cards, Complaining about the litmus bread, Tyler the Tumor Turtle, Hobos with hoses, Warg (TM), TurboCare, Prophetic octopus dreams, Chevrelegs, Steaks in the pocket, Repaying the other heroes, Knowing your one magic talent, Afro sergeant, The Murder Light, Emergency food supplies, Reticulating splines, Spoon!, Big failure, Brain suckers, Body massage machines, Alerting Will Robinson of danger, Those we don't speak of, Will-yam, The Spock, Guns that shoot swords, Taking the object fully aware of its terrible curse, Avoiding the Noid, Arguing about the color of an orange, Knowing that the dark weather continues, Things that are "lightish red", The gentleman's closet, Guns guns guns, Crying on the inside at night, Wind poisoning, Beardly, Gold Island, Speaking directly into the jacket pocket, Finkle!, Sucker, Failing to say "Have a nice day", Seagull..., Departing with the phrase "Oh no - oh no - Macgyver!", Magic tricks gone horribly wrong, Having 'E' be my favorite character of the book, Removing all the coffee beans, Loser monkey, Sentient microwaves, Baking some better bagels... SEPHIROTH!, Never being a banker, BONGO!!, Leaving the dainty cakes in the car, Cabinet Sanchez, Getting another notch in my key, Orion's belt, Botanical confetti, Asking this question: Sean Connery is dead, Doctor Destro - Medical Millionaire, Counterfeit facial hair, Djinn eateries, King Nicksirpercival, Forcing defeated enemies to buy me kiwi fruit as per tradition, Irish pirates saying "Irrrrr" instead of "Arrrrr", BILL BILL BILL BILL BILL BILL, Getting thirsty because of these pretzels, Facial hair bonuses, Wondering why they put such scary music on these things, Mafia cat, Dreams dreams, The Sims techno station, Eating the talking bees because I'm George Washington Christ, Knowing the truth about grains, Obtaining resources, Looking for the man that killed my father, Excellent MBS, Throwing dairy products, Having trouble breathing, Old kid, Acute boogiemania, God beacons, Saving gas like Russ, Crushing enemies with the strength I gained from soy, Fighting evil with a macaroni duck, Having pudding without eating my meat, Showroom parking, It's Crumbelieveable!, Riding a bicycle constructed by kbots, Going back to mime school, Bailure, Norwegian forest cats, Escorting zombie Bob Ross to the witness stand, Knowing that John's incompetent, Christmas Ape Goes to Summer Camp.