well i am ashley m. hodges. i mostly just like to be a free spirit and have fun. im goin to virginia tech to be a large animal vet and i love it. i like to try new things and be random and extreme. i love horsebackridin, rugby, snowboarding, wakeboarding, bull ridin, fishin, the beach and partyin. i pretty much love everybody but don't try nothin or i'll jack you up. lol.
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Other Random Stuff About Me by onmyown2723
Name:: Ashley Hodges
Age:: 19
Height:: 5'4"
Weight:: 140, it's all muscle...and ass
Right or left-handed:: right
Your heritage:: north-carolinian? maybe some scottish/irish
What is your favorite game?: Drunken Twister!
Favorite color:: blue
Least favorite color:: pink
Do you like to drive fast?: 60 is wayyy too slow
Do you like thunderstorms?: i do
What is your sign?: the one with the crab and the 69
Do you eat the stems of broccoli?: sure
What was your first car?: 96 jeep cherokee still have it
If you could have any job, what would it be?: zoo animal vet!
Is the glass half full or half empty?: half full, and then i take yours and it's all full lol jk jk
Do you type with your fingers on the right keys?: yep
What's under your bed?: my pants, a sleeping bag, and a gas mask lol
What are your favorite sports to watch?: rugby, horse-racing, football
Single biggest intense pain?: shattering my ankle? i guess or maybe fracturing my shin bone twice
The best places you have ever been?: dredge island in hatterass, NC
Hamburgers or hot dogs?: chicken!
What is your occupation?: student
What was the last thing you ate?: some delicious cookies that i made for someone else whoops
Do you wish on stars?: the shooting ones
If you were a crayon, what color would you be?: burnt sienna lol
Last incoming call on your cell phone?: my momma
Last outgoing call on your cell phone?: jes
What's your favorite restaurant?: tie b/t outback steakhouse and red lobster
Favorite food?: cheesecake is a food right or shrimp alfredo
Britney Spears is a skank--agree or disagree?: that's random...agreed
What type of music do you dislike most?: that crap called "emo"
What was the last thing you bought?: some shots of captain morgan
Do you take illegal drugs?: no sir
Does someone have a crush on you?: i do believe so ;)
Do you really know all the words to the national anthem?: gonna go with no
Favorite drink?: SKIM MILK
Favorite alcoholic drink?: too many too pick a favorite but i like whiskey, vanilla rum, yager, my fav beer is yeungling
Do you believe in love at first sight?: nah
Where were you for Valentine's Day?: makin dinner with this boy
What's your favorite animal?: horsie!
What do you think about most?: quantam physics
Do you like to play in the rain?: yessss
Are you a risk taker?: definitely
How many people have you had sex with in '06?: what a rude question
When was the last time you had sex?: ;)
Ever cheated on a g/f or b/f?: once when i was drunk, and i felt utterly horrible, and i told him, and it wont ever happen again :/
Have you ever been to jail?: yep, they don't call me "jail bait" for nothin haha
How many states have you lived in?: 2
Do you wear contacts or glasses?: supposed to wear glasses but i lost them
Hugs or kisses?: kisses! and hugs too
Living arrangements?: dorm with my roomie
Who is your best friend?: erica lowery!
What do you sleep in?: sleep pants and t shirts, sometimes nakey if you're lucky
What is your bedtime?: man, i do what i want!
Piercings? Tattoos?: no tattoos, got my ears, tongue and belly button pierced
Biggest pet peeve?: girly men and oompa loompas
I have low tolerance for people who....: are fake
Do you sleep with the TV on?: nope
Do you have a TV in your bedroom?: an ancient one
Are you good at keeping secrets?: yes i am
How do you spell relief?: "relief"? oh, you mean like chocolate,sex, and alcohol lol
Parents still together?: yep
Can you handle the truth?: i can handle anything
Current car?: my faithful jeep, see "first car"
Are you in love?: no
Hair color?: natural brunette
What are you afraid of?: i ain't scared of nothin
Last time you cried?: when i held erica's baby :)
Friend you've had the longest?: john
Best friends?: ERICA i already told you
Favorite car?: F-250!
Number of keys on your keyring?: 2
Favorite day of the week?: saturday
Favorite shampoo?: whatever's cheap and smells tasty
Day or night?: night
Best advice you've ever received?: stay away from myspace
Favorite quote?: I DO WHAT I WANT!
Favorite type of music?: rock and country
Your biggest weakness?: those silly boys and that delicious alcohol
Biggest fear?: i alreaddyyyy told you, not scared of anything :)
Are you close to your parents?: yes
Do you swear?: wish i could stop
Favorite song at the moment?: moneymaker!
Favorite band?: don't have one
Do you have sex?: who me? course not ;)
Read books?: only when required to not fail
Have a religion?: christian
Vegetable you love/hate?: i love corn!
View on politics?: important, but kinda boring
Worst habits?: biting my nails, drinking
Do you like to watch porn?: i've only seen 2 ever, seriously
*In a boyfriend/girlfriend*
Hair color?: dark
Body type?: tall and athletic, not skinny!
Personality?: funny and sweet
Style of clothing?: jeans, tees, and tennis shoes
Do they have to be popular?: nope
Kiss on the first date?: why not
Sex on the first date?: that's very bad
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