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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

My name is DANZIG. I am part of a underground culture that has existed for well over a decade. A underground culture comprised of Venusian Artists.
What is a Venusian Artist? In simplistic terms, it is known as the art of “pick up”. “Pick Up" artists throughout the underground culture charge up to $10,000 to attend their boot camps and teach men the art of picking up women. Sound crazy? Well, men are lining up for a chance to learn. Why? Well, what would you pay to have the girl or girls of your dreams if money wasn’t an object?
I am here to bring this underground culture to those who wish to learn information that few men will ever attain. Whether you attain the knowledge or not I would be honored to have each and every one of you as a friend.
Some of you are thinking; what’s the big deal anyone can pick up a girl? Most people try and sometimes they do get lucky; but can you do it effectively 95% of the time with any woman you meet? Regardless of how beautiful she is? That is a true Venusian Artist.
It’s not “Game” it’s not being a “player”, this is not “seduction” it has scientific backing from areas involving Sociobiology, Sociology, Psychology, Evolutional Psychology and human interaction. You see women, just as men, are programmed from our evolutionary needs dating back thousands of years. While those needs evolve so does understanding how to apply these basic needs and desires into the fast paced world we live in today. Thousands of hours have been spent through in field studies throughout the “Pick Up” community using the very scientific ideology and proven techniques to not only meet some of the world’s most beautiful woman but to also take them home.
The secrets of the trade are just that: SECRET. Very few get a chance to ever learn them for two main reasons; lack of money for the seminars / boot camps and the fact that the Pick Up Community doesn’t entirely dive in and just give this info away. If they did it would flood the market. Why not keep the secrets behind closed doors and have all the women you want for yourself.
This is a science. A science that has been developed into an art form. That art form is attaining any woman you desire.
A chance at getting your hands on information of this value is very difficult to come by. The seminars and in field training are needless to say a wealth of knowledge. I would urge you to fork out the money and attend, but unfortunately for most people $2,500 to $10,000 is a little out of reach. This stuff can transform your life. No doubt about it. You can attain beautiful women using these methods and ideology regardless of your looks, age, financial stability or lack there of if you apply them right.
If we were to write a book with all this information ranging from a woman’s psychology, sociobiology, evolutionary processes, interaction, talking with women, heightening their senses, creating interest and understanding body language it would fill up and entire encyclopedia volume. Information that very few have ever seen and fewer have ever used. It is truly is priceless.
But let’s be realistic who has an extra $10,000. This information is for the elite of our society. Until now.
Here’s what we’ve done. We have taken all this wealth of knowledge and compressed it down to get straight to the point. Think of it as the "Cliff Notes" to the world’s most powerful art form when it comes to attracting women.
If you have ever had a high school or college test on a book that you forgot to read or were too busy partying to read, the quickest way to get the information to prepare yourself would be to get the cliff notes on that book. For the cliff notes provide all the key points so you would be ready for a test on that book.
The BLACK BOOK is just that. The cliff notes. There is so much information on the Venusian arts, all of it which is very important and very beneficial knowledge. However if your looking to get up to speed quick and to have all the key points in your arsenal to use the following day then THE BLACK BOOK is the solution. You will have some of the most powerful techniques used by some of the most successful pick up artists throughout the world. As well as in depth examples, scripts, how to bring women through the different attraction stages and much more. Anyone can do this. ANYONE! It is just simply understanding what needs to take place to make a women attracted to you, respond, and plunge. It's science.

My Interests


And it will open doors to women way out of your league. And by the way, from now on no woman is out of anybody’s league. Its just knowing what league they're in and utilizing the right tactic to attract them to you.

Essentially the black book is the cliff notes to some of the most powerful techniques throughout the pick up community. And a look into how a woman chooses a mate on all different levels of physical, emotional, subliminal, and psychological attraction. And over all whom they choose to go home with. But more importantly, how you can line all of these aspects up and take complete advantage of the situation.


We are offering THE BLACK BOOK on a limited run. It will only be available once. The only reason we are offering it is to give those guys a chance that are not in the top income bracket and can’t afford the full training sessions a shot. The BLACK BOOK has been designed to give you all the key points, examples, and understanding of how to effectively attract, implement and hold a woman’s attraction regardless of how beautiful or unattainable you think she is. The BLACK BOOK is to get you to pass the test. The test of attaining any woman you desire.


We are only going to send out 1,000 copies. Its part of the whole thought process that the less people know about it and understand it the more woman for the true Venusian Artists. However, I do feel compelled to give back to the community since it has given me so much and completely changed my life.

So 1,000 copies will be made available. We haven’t put a price tag on it yet and we are wrapping up the final revisions and editing to ensure you get every pennies worth. However, I can tell you that we are going to offer it at a ridiculously low rate (Somewhere in the range of what a night out on the town might cost) as our way of giving back particularly to those who would never be able to get there hands on this material otherwise.


We are also offering 3 free scholarships to receive the Black Book absolutely free. Please visit our website and send us an email why you think you should be considered. The best three responses will receive THE BLACK BOOK absolutely free when we release it in a few weeks.


Your invited to learn more about my life, my culture, and free beneficial information at my website. Along with updates and release dates for my publication "THE BLACK BOOK"


Also, the first 200 to visit our site will receive the option a day before our initial release to purchase THE BLACK BOOK before anyone else.

– FAIR?-

We’ll see you there.


My Blog


Excerpt from The Black Book (www.theblackbook.com) Women of beauty are hit on more time in a day than hours on the clock.  By the time a woman reaches her early twenties she has been hit on thous...
Posted by DANZIG on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 11:49:00 PST

Nice Guys Vs. Jerks

Excerpt From the Black Book (www.theblackbook.us) NICE GUYS VS. JERKS   The notion that nice guys finish last while jerks end up with the girl is not a new concept.  The question that is pr...
Posted by DANZIG on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 12:44:00 PST