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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Believe it or not - I am a conservative REPUBLICAN!!! I enjoy paintballing, rock climbing, guns, girls, traveling, and just hangin with friends. I dislike politics, but I believe that things have become so serious that one must be involved. I'm here to help restore the Constitutional Republic that our Founding Fathers established!

My Interests

Politics, Religion, Alt. Medicine, Guns, Sept 11th truth, - all the controversial stuff.

I'd like to meet:

The people whom I admire, to determine whether they are indeed worthy of my admiration. Furthermore, a beautiful woman who might, God willing, become my bride. Shalom!


Country - without the twang, Contemporary Christian, soft rock, jazz, and 80's!


The Bourne trilogy, Passion of the Christ, 9/11 Mysteries, Order of Death, Freedom to Fascism, and Terror Storm.


I don't watch much TV


The Bible, The Lost Shipwreck of Paul, Christianity Unmasked, and The Franklin Cover-up are a good start.


Ron Paul, Micheal Rood, Alex Jones, Dave VonKleist, Ted Gunderson, Kent Hovind, Jack McLamb, Jack Blood, Alan Keyes, Joyce Riley, Len Horowitz, Joe Banister, Chuck Missler, Arron Russo, and Mel Gibson are a few that come to mind.

My Blog

Cowardly Law Enforcement Saves Us Again, or Have They?

Most of you will recall the 1990s, when President Bill Clinton dispatched the FBI and BATFE to investigate those "dangerous" citizens' militia groups that sprang up all over the United States after th...
Posted by steelingminds on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 02:03:00 PST

The prison industry in the United States: big business or a new form of slavery?

The prison industry in the United States: big business or a new form of slavery?BY VICKY PELAEZ (Taken from El Diario-La Prensa, New York)HUMAN rights organizations, as well as political and social on...
Posted by steelingminds on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 02:42:00 PST


I really have to laugh at their dilemma - Most homosexuals reject God and his associated "laws", while embracing the concepts of atheism and the Theory of Evolution. So they go looking for a so-calle...
Posted by steelingminds on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 12:04:00 PST

"Loving" anti-gunners want your children dead!

The local School District has a policy of not allowing guns on campus, even an armed person with a Concealed Gun Permit.  According to the local news, a woman employee was warned not to carry a g...
Posted by steelingminds on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 12:27:00 PST

Fire these jackass officers who have no concern for the citizenry!

While I think it is real nice the legislature of South Carolina is now considering "allowing" guns to be carried concealed at schools and college campuses after the Virginia Tech massacre, what stands...
Posted by steelingminds on Fri, 18 May 2007 11:03:00 PST


So you want a total ban on guns in the United States, right?  Let us take a page from Islamic Law then.  If my loved ones are murdered by some cretin who manages to get a gun and kill them a...
Posted by steelingminds on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 12:53:00 PST


Most of the presidential candidates of both parties are now claiming that their vote for, or support of, the war in Iraq, was a "mistake". That's just not true. The vote to give President Bush the "a...
Posted by steelingminds on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 10:57:00 PST

What Ever happened to Privacy in this Country?

Whatever happened to privacy? You remember, the condition human beings used to crave... just to be let alone, not prejudged, to take care of their own business without the interference of others, or t...
Posted by steelingminds on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 10:52:00 PST