dis be me and ma gurl racquel but every body call her rocky..she put a change to ma life in so meny ways. .we both is some koo peoples but dont do nothen to mess that all up....4real 4real DONT...I LOVE THIS GIRL THO NO LIE..SHE MEAN THE WORLD TO ME AND I MEAN A LOT TO HER 2 DATs WHY EVEY THANG SO GUD BETWEEN US...we RAW and yall kno it but yall haters do wat chu haters do and hate its all gud.... i kno its post to be all about me in dis part but since she became me and i became we i cant see me bein me with our her..i hope yall followin.....so i guess wat im tryin to say is since the day of nov 8,06 witch by the way thats the day we got together..but since den, me has become we... so i had to let chall kno a lil bit bout ma other half............
I LOVE U 2 BABY....................stars layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com
I Stay Shin-in
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