Hi, My name is Stuart and I am a part time photographer.
My full time job is in IT.
I have been dabbling in photography since around 1999. Year after year buying better equipment. In 2006, after dislocating my ankle and breaking it in 3 places, I bought my first Digital SLR. At that point I started to take photography more seriously.
May 2006 brought me together with James Ballance (www.creativeweddingsandportraits.co.uk) a very talented photographer that shot my wedding. He had an assistant working with him at the time, I jokingly said to him "I'm after your job". A few months later I was second shooting for him and learning the ways of the Wedding Photographer.
I am happy to put my hand to anything and have also done commercial work and portraits.
I love the car show scene. I have met lots of togs and models through the cars show who I am now honored to call friends.
My long term aim is to get to a level where I can leave the IT world behind and do photography full time. Ideally I'd love to have my own studio and shoot the stars :-)
Thanks for taking the time to read this and look forward to hearing from you all.