Wat it is yo its yaboy well u wanna kno about meLet me introduce my self Im Jay im 21 and not ur average black guy haha i dont smoke and i hate ppl who do. Im actually really friendly so dontbe shy. Lets see i listen 2 all music alot more rock than u think but lets not talk stereotypes ok. Ima gamer so i play alot lol. I love football. So if u can put 2 and 2 together u can figure out i play alot of GUITAR HERO hahahaha. Ive come 2 realize im in position of a complicated yet extremely logical mind that most people cant seem to handle which is ok. A mojority of u will use me as a pawn for ur entertainment and never divulge into my deepest thoughts anyways. Dont get me wrong ur welcome to try 2 understand me but dont start a task you dont plan on finishing. I stay positive even in the darkest of situations. Its actually kinda eerie i mean ive seen car crashes wit no reaction Ask my bro lol. Idk i do feel emotionless at times which may be my greatest strength or weakness depending on how u wanna interpret that. Alot of people turn 2 me wen they need advice on something anything. I try 2 help the people that need my help. Some of my favorite things are Paramore, Jagged Edge, Street Fighter so on and so forth. uhmmm I love tattoos and i love girls with tattoos haha. I have a thing 4 smart punk chicks sorry preps but i jus do lol. Idk i really dont kno wa u wanna kno so jus get at my inboXxX wit any ?s u got or if u jus wanna holla
and i have unlimited txtin 4 a reason so if u want da number jus ask
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