whO mEe//i Am thE niGga repPin F.E.P.//doN'T fuCk wItH oR yOU'Ll be siX fEet dEep//rUN uP oN mEeh AnD iLl pUtcHu tO slEep//flAwleSs iN thE gAme mAng wE bE on thE krEEp//hEy I cOuld couNt 1-2 tO thE 3//and sAy mAh alphAbeTs A-B tO thE C//iF you cOMe tO thA bloK jUs cOmE roLl wiF mEeh//i'Ll tAke yOu tO thE clUb And gItcHu tIpsY!!//giVin yOu shoTs tiLL yO miNd gOes blAnk//thEn tAke you tO thE hOod dAwg lEts gIt dAnk//i nEed tO gRAb soMe moNEy lEts roLl tO thA bAnk//eiTher riDe wiTh mEe oR yO asS'Ll giT sHAnk//F.E.P. thAt's whO bE//mAh niGGA's iN thE crEW bE mAkiN moNEy//vyNiL oN ouR cArs tHAt's aLl you'Ll sEe//wEe giT thEm hOok-uPs frOm mAh niGGA wEezy!!
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
i'D lIKE to mEet...bEyoNCe(mAh wIFey)...jeSSicA alBA(mAh bABy-moMMA)...g-UNit(mAh G's)...uSHer(mAh bROthER)...luDAcRis ANd tWiSTA And alSo eRry rAPPer thAt inFlueNceD mEEh inTO trYna mAke iT biG...