About Me
Where do I start? Wow, my life has been quite a journey and I am still on Chapter 4 of 20. Or something like that. For a lack of a better phrase, I'm just getting started. Life is PORTRAYED as being "hard" , but everyone is dealt a hand. Some better than others. Make the best of your hand because any hand can be a winner, if you allow it to be.
I was born and raised in Houston, TX. My father is from El Salvador and my mother is from Houston as well. My father came into this country with the dream to create something of his own. My father started his own solar screen business. However, his staff consist of just one person, HIMSELF. So in actuality, we would consider that a "side gig". Now his side gig produces great income, but after learning about LEVERAGE, I realize he can make more. So Why doesn't he do it? Because of the family. We are too much of a burden to where he cannot quit his full time job to work his business more. After seeing my father working so hard, just to keep a roof over our head, I vowed to do something to allow more freedom for my father and allow him to work his business full time. Everyday I get closer and closer to achieving this goal. This is my primary goal and the reason why I do the business that I do. Who knows that tomorrow holds. In fact, what if he isn't here tomorrow? I would want him to see me succeed first and for most and I would want him to work his dream and live it before he passes. That is the least I can do for him NEVER turning his back on me or the family and building a successful minded person he can call his son. His own blood. So I will PERSIST UNTIL I SUCCEED! In life, you must help enough people get what they want, in return you will get what you want.
Everyone morning I wake up looking for someone who is looking for me. You see people struggling. You see people not getting where they want to get in life. You see people selling themselves short. You see people sick and tired of being sick and tired. When someone says, "Well, Life is too hard" or "There is no hope for me". I say YOU CHOOSE THAT TO BE. Everyone has a choice on what type of life to lead. The Devil leads the life of jealousy, frustrations, envy, hatred, greed, sex, and drugs. Things that are designed to rip mankind apart and close the windows on your dreams. God leads the life of PROSPERITY, ACCOMPLISHMENT, HAPPINESS, SUCCESS, MILK AND HONEY! You must line up your word with the word of God. Think the way he thinks, act the way he acts, and start recieving the blessing that he has received! DESTINY IS A CHOICE!
Show me a person that is trying to get rich fast, I will show you a person that is sick and tired. Show me a person that is patient enough to help others succeed and I will show you a wealthy, successful individual. Wealth is hidden from those that must do it all themselves. Wealth EXPOSES itself to those patient enough to train others.
Here is a funny story told by the Number 6 money earner in the business, Randy Hedge. We call him the Cowboy. I consider him a true role model. Randy says, "The judge gives you LIFE IN PRISON, or 5 years of hard labor and you are free! What would you pick?"
He relates that to life. Your job, your burden, your everyday routine is LIFE IN PRISON. It's getting you NO WHERE! But you keep on for whatever reason you don't know. Now, the 5 years of hard labor and you are FREE is our busiuness. In fact, 5 years is a long shot. I would say 2 to 3 years of labor and you are FREE. You have a choice after reading this. You can choose LIFE IN PRISON or 2 to 3 years of TRUE LABOR and you are free. It's your life, your choice, your destiny. However, Life is TOO short. Why spend your time in PRISON?